Eva Green credited as playing...
- Ava Lord: What does it feel like?
- Dwight McCarthy: What?
- Ava Lord: Murdering an innocent man. Just wanna know what it felt like. Must have been beautiful.
- Dwight McCarthy: What are you talking about innocence?
- Ava Lord: I knew I could count on you. Sex always made you stupid, ready to believe anything.
- [chuckles]
- Ava Lord: You've just made me a very rich woman.
- [points a gun at Dwight]
- Ava Lord: Do me one last favor, lover? Stay still long enough for me to blow your brains out.
- Dwight McCarthy: You're insane.
- Ava Lord: No, Dwight. A crazy person would be anyone who belives me. And that would be you.
- Dwight McCarthy: Ava...
- [gets shot out of window]
- Ava Lord: [looks out window and sees that he is still alive] Damn.