Salma Hayek credited as playing...
Madame Truska
- Madame Truska: Why can't you just get a cell phone?
- Larten Crepsley: Because vampires don't need cellphones.
- Madame Truska: Oh, Larten, you did it. You stuck your neck out for him.
- Larten Crepsley: You'd think a vampire would know better than to stick his neck out.
- Larten Crepsley: After two hundred years of living alone, why on Earth would I suddenly become lonely?
- Madame Truska: I don't know. Midlife crisis?
- Madame Truska: [in a trance] You're in danger, terrible danger. Your life and soul are in jeopardy.
- Madame Truska: [snapping out of it] What did I say?
- Larten Crepsley: Nothing. Something about the weather. Chance of thunderstorms tomorrow. Don't worry. I'll stay indoors.