In the Christmas Eve in the Styxx Club in Paris, the troublemaker Bart (Olivier Bartélémy) and his scum friends Thaï (Nicolas Le Phat Tan) and Ladj (Ladj Ly) meet the bartender Yasmine (Leïla Bekhti) and the costumer Eve (Roxane Mesquida), and after a fight of Bart in the nightclub, Eve invites the group to go to her house in the country. While in the road nearby the cottage, they are introduced by Eve to the weird shepherd and housekeeper Joseph (Vincent Cassel), whose wife is pregnant. Joseph feels a sort of attraction for Bart, and along the Christmas night, Joseph discloses his real intentions.
"Sheitan" is a weird and intriguing French horror movie, with an atmosphere of nightmare. The creepy and odd story has many points open to interpretations, very bizarre characters and situations, good performances of the cast and a gorgeous and sexy unknown French actress, Roxane Mesquida. I am not sure if I missed some point, since there are references to Eve, the serpent and the apple; Joseph and the new born child on the Christmas day. I liked this refreshing movie, in spite of the non-clear screenplay, but I do not dare to recommend it except for specific audiences. My vote is six.
Title (Brazil): "Satã" ("Satan")