1 review
I wasn't sure whether to give this film a one or a ten. It awful but that's why it's so funny. The production to so shoddy yet so ridiculously funny and weird that I had to go with the ten. Basically it's a bunch of people running around in there underwear with Gimp mask's on. This guy Jack(Phil Guerrette) gets his Gun stolen then figured out that this other Dude named Hale(Thomas Edward Seymour) So Jack enters the house to find his gun and encounters Booby traps, deadly lasers, sirens, deadly assassins and poop. It's a strange little film that was made(at the time) by a bunch of teenagers obviously using there parents houses as locations. It's very funny in a Sam Raimi way. I would actually recommend seeking it out but I would pay more then ten bucks for it.