- Amber: Aunt Angie, I'm having such a great time. And pot here, is so cheap!
- Supermodel: You mean, pots and pans! Yes, that's because they are made by infants.
- Eric the Dwarf: [Miyami goes into crane position] Yeah, that's it! That's the move I need to win! I saw it in a movie once! Yeah, that's great!
- [Eric the dwarf runs off]
- Mr. Miyami: [goes out of his crane position] No, Eric san, that wasn't a move! That wasn't training! I was having a fart spasm!
- [breaks wind]
- Coach Al Jefferson: [walking up to tired boy on ground] What's your name, boy?
- Mitchell boy: Mitchell.
- Coach Al Jefferson: Did you say Mitchell?
- Mitchell boy: Yes, Sir.
- Coach Al Jefferson: My great-grandpappy was owned by a Mitchell!
- [bends down to grab the boy]