"The Redsin Tower" is, for me, the most disappointing film of 2007. Hyped as a major underground genre film, the release on DVD was a much anticipated affair. In fact, I held off watching the movie for several weeks until I was really in the mood for what I believed would be a splendid treat. I wish I hadn't bothered.
While the opening credits promise stylish production values, the film soon starts to descend into a chaotic mess. While early scenes are okay, the moment the film intends to start building tension, everything falls apart.
This is a poorly executed vehicle and a lapse in form for Vogel and the Toetag gang. Coming across as a poor man's "Evil Dead meets Dark Waters", this is a film that will disappoint many, including die-hard Toetag fans.
5 out of 10 for the stylish opening credits, a decent soundtrack and solid effects. While some of the dialogue is entertaining, the film immediately starts to suffer as it enters genre territory.
A genuine wasted opportunity.