Every internet geek should be familiar with the genius of the Brothers Chaps and their Homestar Runner cartoons, which first became popular with the release of the Strong Bad Emails in 2002. This DVD collection features the first hundred installments of the usually-weekly short, plus audio commentaries, mockumentaries, puppet stuff, music videos, and more. Matt Chapman proves himself to be quite possible the most talented voice actor since Mel Blanc, and both Mike and Matt show their writing talent, with subtly clever satires on everything from music, to movies, to television, to video games, and most importantly, the Internet, and the Eighties.
Most of the easter eggs from the site are accessible on the DVD, and some new ones have also been included. All in all, this belongs in every Homestar fan's collection, and I hope we don't have to wait too long before the next batch of emails on DVD, or perhaps some of the other cartoons. (I think "Where's the Cheat" deserves to be on DVD, as well as the Marzipan Answering Machines.) It is now my intention to play video games for several hours.