Clark Gregg credited as playing...
- Chuck Muckle: Mr. Branitt, what does one hundred pancake houses sound like to you?
- Curly Branitt: It sounds like an awful lot of pancake houses.
- Chuck Muckle: It will be a record! I will be the first regional manager in the history of Mother Paula's to reach one hundred pancake houses. And that is the stuff that food and beverage industry legends are made of! Ah... it is my dream. And you are responsible, Mr. Branitt, for making a tiny piece of that very big dream come true.
- Curly Branitt: What do we do about them owls?
- Chuck Muckle: What owls?
- Curly Branitt: Well, the ones we got... you know, in the little...
- Chuck Muckle: This time at half-speed, Branitt: ignore owls, or lose job!
- Chuck Muckle: What are you telling me, Mr. Branitt? Snakes scared your dogs away?
- Curly Branitt: Well, these weren't just your ordinary snakes, Mr. Muckle. These was cottonmouths, and, you know, a cottonmouth will kill a dog pretty darn quick.
- Chuck Muckle: Really? Can they kill a bulldozer?
- Curly Branitt: Well... I guess not.