Mako credited as playing...
- Master Splinter: Ah, good morning boys!
- Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo: Good morning Sensei.
- Raphael: Sup'.
- Donatello: [talking about Raphael] Why couldn't you have sent him away to train...
- Master Splinter: Donatello this home has become like an empty shell. Each of your brothers have strengths and weaknesses. You must learn to be strong when they are weak, for if you cannot learn this than our family, is lost.
- Master Splinter: Raphael. Kneel!
- Raphael: I did something... I did something really stupid, Master Splinter.
- Master Splinter: Go on.
- Raphael: I know why you chose him now. I know that there's a reason why he's the better son, and I'm not.
- Master Splinter: Raphael, you always bear the world's problems on your shoulders. It is an admirable quality when you are a protector of others. But you must realize that while at times you might not be my favorite student, it does not mean that you are my least favorite son. You are strong, passionate, and loyal to your fault. These are the merits of a great leader as well, but only when tempered with compassion and humility.
- Raphael: But Master Splinter, I messed up big tonight. I mean... big.
- [Reveals Leo's broken swords]
- Raphael: They took him.
- Master Splinter: Leonardo...
- Michelangelo: Sensei, are you all right?
- Master Splinter: [chuckles] We must do this more often.
- Master Splinter: Ee-yah!
- [kicks demon back into vortex]
- Master Splinter: I still got it!