Dennis Quaid credited as playing...
President Staton
- President Staton: Maybe it is time I read newspapers. I've learned a lot this morning. It turns out North Korea and Iran are not like Doctor Octopus and Magneto at all...
- President Staton: I've had speechwriters write for me all of my career and advisors telling me what positions to take. I can't even remember why I wanted to get into politics to begin with. I think it's because my mom wanted me to, to show my dad any idiot could do it.
- President Staton: In terms of the Middle East, it looks like the problems over there are never going to be solved. I mean never, never, never, never, never, never. So, I'm sorry about that...
- Omer: Mr. President, I deeply hope for all of our sakes that you are wrong.
- President Staton: I hope so too.
- President Staton: Now as your commander-in-chief, I'm gonna have to order you not to blow yourself up.
- President Staton: It's not like in this country, where whites, and blacks, and Latinos all get along and there's no prejudicial deal between them. I mean these people have some longstanding beefs with each other.
- President Staton: Did you know there are two kinds of Iraqistanis?
- [the First Lady holds up three fingers]
- President Staton: I mean, actually, three?
- Chief of Staff: You mean Sunnis and Shi'ites and Kurds?
- President Staton: You knew about this?