When Christy Wescot (Nora Zehetner) goes to Amy Locke (Jessica Amlee)'s room for the first night, a camera takes her picture, it's clearly a compact digital camera on a tripod, but it sounds like an SLR camera. Then Amy tells Christy that she has set the camera to take picture every half an hour to picture the dark thing. Later Amy is showing Christy photos taken with the camera from two nights ago, and although earlier we saw the camera was on a tripod, but the frame in the photos change in each picture.
When Christy is at the computer searching for Claire Wells, she opens a cupboard door below the desk. Inside the cupboard is a 10-pack of Hydromorphone. In the first shot, the label is on the right-hand side, then it's on the left, and in the third shot it's back on the right again.