This is a strange hybrid of a movie that had only enough ideas for a trailer (which is what it started out to be, apparently) and a movie that spent what little budget it had on make-up effects. The effects end up being OK (possibly six stars out of ten) but the complete lack of any plot, realistic dialogue, characters, actual acting ability, comprehensible editing, or decent photography shoots the whole thing down. The film-makers did not seem to understand that violent and gory scenes have to balanced against other scenes and that the key to entertainment in horror films is to elicit concern or sympathy from the viewer.
The most irritating aspect of this movie, though, has to be the "synch" problems in many of the scenes. Not audio synch, but frame rate and editing. If you go to the forums, you'll see several explanations of what caused this, ranging from an intentional statement of the director to a setting error on the video editing equipment. Whatever caused it, it's inconsistent from scene to scene and is irritating as hell. I mean, fast zombies are already a bit jerky, but they're really bad in this film.
Don't waste your time on this film.