This was without a doubt one of the worst movies I have ever seen. What gets me is that is ranks a 4.2 here at IMDb, the place that is extremely hard on horror movies. How is it ranked so high? I love horror movies, but never before have I considered stopping a movie in the middle of it as I have with this one. However, I persevered and was rewarded with more crap. The acting is horrible, I have never before wanted people dead in my life and I am not talking about the characters...I am speaking of the actual actors. Even the zombies were horrible in this one. The only reason this one must be ranked high is the gore, which is good, but even with that I could not rank this movie any higher. The plot, losers go to bar, other more popular losers go to house in the middle of nowhere, zombies go on the attack, general running here and there and then wham movie ends in the most stupid fashion ever. During which time we have the lead guy trying to save his girlfriend, and this lead guy is the most annoying dip in the film and his scream is very annoying as well. I so wanted him to die, but he just kept going. We have a scene where the streets were empty and our three "heros" are just looking, the next thing you know there are zombies all around them to the point they can not make it to their car two feet to the left. You have a girl that gets into a convertible and seems to relax like she is safe. You also have worse production values and worse acting than found in most porn films, and you do not even get to see a boob or two in this film. All you really get to see is a bunch of people covered in blood screaming with a few good gore effects here and there. I knew this movie was going to be trouble when we were introduced to the actors while incredibly bad music played. By the way what was up with the super zombies anyway, they can rip a jaw off a girl, but can't get into a bar block off with a chair? To much bad stuff, just to much...must seek out filmmakers, make it so sequel can not be made.