Catinca Untaru credited as playing...
- Alexandria: Why are you killing everybody? Why are you making everybody die?
- Roy Walker: It's my story.
- Alexandria: Mine, too.
- Roy Walker: [finishing the story, both he and Alexandria are crying] He can't win. That's because our masked bandit is a coward. Yeah. He never took an oath, he's a fake. He's a liar and a coward.
- Alexandria: You're lying.
- Roy Walker: No. He had his fingers crossed. He has to die.
- Alexandria: I don't believe you.
- Roy Walker: He's dying.
- Alexandria: Don't kill him.
- Roy Walker: There's nothing left for him.
- Alexandria: His daughter.
- Roy Walker: He wasn't her father, either.
- Alexandria: She loves him.
- Roy Walker: She'll survive, she's good.
- Alexandria: I don't want you to die. Roy. Don't kill him. Let him live. Let him live. Don't kill him. Roy? Promise? And don't cross your fingers.
- Roy Walker: Promise.
- Alexandria: Show me your hands.
- Roy Walker: [raises his hands] See?
- Roy Walker: You should ask someone else. There's no happy ending with me.
- Alexandria: I still want to hear it.
- Alexandria: I fell again.
- Roy Walker: I heard. Everybody's heard. You're famous.
- Alexandria: Are they angry?
- Roy Walker: Yeah, but not at you.
- Roy Walker: What's that?
- Alexandria: Food.
- Roy Walker: Where'd you get it?
- Alexandria: The chapel.
- [feeds him a communion wafer]
- Roy Walker: I'm sorry I shouted at you. I was angry.
- Alexandria: No problem.
- Roy Walker: Are you trying to save my soul?
- Alexandria: [not understanding] Hmm?
- Roy Walker: Are you trying to save my soul? Do you understand me?
- Alexandria: What?
- Roy Walker: Did you understand what I meant?
- Alexandria: What you said?
- Roy Walker: I said, are you trying to save my soul? Giving me that?
- Alexandria: What mean that?
- Roy Walker: The Eucharist.
- Alexandria: What?
- Roy Walker: The Eucharist. The thing you gave me. It's a... it saves your soul.
- Alexandria: Hmm? The thing I give you... what?
- Roy Walker: The little piece of bread that you just gave me. It saves your soul.
- Alexandria: What? What? *What*?
- Roy Walker: All right, close your eyes. What do you see?
- Alexandria: Nothing.
- Roy Walker: Rub them... Can you see the stars?
- Alexandria: Yes.
- Roy Walker: [as he is about to try to overdose with morphine pills] When I fall asleep. You have to go.
- Alexandria: Why?
- Roy Walker: Because I don't want you to see me like this.
- Blue Bandit: I will destroy him. And every Spanish thing.
- Alexandria: I thought he was Spanish.
- Roy Walker: [covering for himself] No... he was French...
- Alexandria: [crying as Roy finishes the story] Why are you making everyone die?
- Roy Walker: Because... everything dies
- Alexandria: Why he speaks like this?
- Roy Walker: Because he's your father.
- Alexandria: But my father is dead!
- Roy Walker: What? Okay, how do you want him to speak?
- Alexandria: Normal. Like you.
- Roy Walker: And she turned from the masked bandit and she said...
- Nurse Evelyn: [in the story, as Sister Evelyn] May I be frank with you?
- Blue Bandit: Of course.
- Nurse Evelyn: Although I've dedicated my life to God and His goodness, I secretly love throwing oranges at our priest.
- Blue Bandit: [as Roy, talking to Alexandria] Take two turns to the left and go to the bathroom.
- Alexandria: [squirming because she has to use the restroom] No. You read my note.
- Roy Walker: What are you talking about? Go to the bathroom.
- Alexandria: No. How did you know about the priest and the oranges?
- Roy Walker: Everybody knows you like to throw oranges at the priest, even the priest knows. But I didn't find that out from your gibberish message.
- Alexandria: Is not gibberish.
- Roy Walker: Can you read English?
- Alexandria: Ya.
- Roy Walker: [pointing to a word he's written] What's this?
- Alexandria: Paper.
- Roy Walker: [laughs] No. What's this?
- Alexandria: [reading] M-O-R-P-H-I-N-3.
- Roy Walker: [pointing at the letter 'E'] What's this?
- Alexandria: Three.
- Roy Walker: Yeah... that's it. I'm having a hard time sleeping and remembering the story. I need some pills. I need pills in a bottle that has this written on it.
- Alexandria: M-O-R-P-H-I-N-3?
- Roy Walker: Yes. And it's in the main block. In that room in the main block. You understand?
- Alexandria: Ask the head nurse.
- Roy Walker: I'm asking you as a friend.
- Alexandria: But it's stealing.
- Roy Walker: No it's not, not if you need it. It's no different than stealing bread from a church.
- Alexandria: I'll ask them for you.
- Roy Walker: No. It's a bandits' secret. I need the pills to finish the story. Do you understand?
- Alexandria: I'll do it.
- Roy Walker: Thanks.
- Blue Bandit: [dying] You must be strong.
- Alexandria: [as herself and the Bandit's daughter] Not the time to sleep, now. Not the time to sleep. Wake up. Wake up, its not the time to sleep now. Wake up. Don't pretend to sleep. Wake up. Laugh-laugh. Not the time to sleep.
- Alexandria: They burned it.
- Roy Walker: Who burned it?
- Alexandria: Angry people.
- Roy Walker: I'm sorry to hear that.
- Alexandria: Hmm?
- Roy Walker: I said I'm sorry to hear that.
- Alexandria: [confused] ... angry people.
- Roy Walker: Yeah, I know I'm just sorry. I'm sorry that your house got burned.
- Roy Walker: It won't take long, just go outside and touch one of my toes.
- Alexandria: Okay.
- [gets off of Roy's bed and goes outside the curtain surrounding it]
- Alexandria: I am touching your little toe.
- Roy Walker: No, please, please don't tell which toe your touching, I gotta guess. That's the whole point of the game.
- Alexandria: [touches on of his little toes] I'm touching one... I'm touching one.
- Roy Walker: [guessing] You're touching my big toe.
- Alexandria: [she switches to his big toe] Mmhmm.
- Roy Walker: Are you telling the truth?
- Alexandria: Mmhmm. Look! Really!
- Roy Walker: Huh. I got that?
- Alexandria: [asking about the story] What happened with his brother, did he save him?
- Roy Walker: [suspicious] Were you telling a story?
- Alexandria: [doesn't understand what he means] Uh huh.
- Roy Walker: No. No, no, no. Were you telling the truth just now?
- Alexandria: Yeah... no... I was telling the truth.
- Roy Walker: No, you just said no, you weren't telling the truth.
- Alexandria: No, I tell it.
- Roy Walker: Were you telling the truth?
- Alexandria: Yeah.
- Roy Walker: When you just touched my toe?
- Alexandria: Yeah.
- Roy Walker: You little liar.
- Alexandria: No!
- Roy Walker: Alexandria, were you lying to me?
- Alexandria: I touch your big toe!
- Roy Walker: [vindictively] Do you want me to finish the story? The masked bandit was too late. Odious had already tortured and hung the blue bandit and his crew.
- Doctor: [suspicious Alexandria is not translating correctly for her mother] Alexandria, did she just ask me a question?
- Alexandria: No, it's just how we talk.
- Alexandria: I got you the bottle.
- Roy Walker: I know. But there weren't enough for me too... go to sleep. Come on. Be a good bandit.
- Alexandria: I don't want to be a bandit.