25 reviews
Silly little flick that reminded me of an old King Missile song. It combined the staples of any good horror-comedy, mixing tons of nudity (arrousal very dependent on your opinion of fuller figured women though) with a fair amount of blood and off the wall humor that will cause some to laugh out loud and others just groan. I reside in the former for the most part. Sure some of the jokes fall flat and the movie runs a bit too long and can't maintain either the laughs or erotica for it's entire duration, but it's still a pretty good party movie to watch while inebriated or toasty. Lucky I caught it on Starz on Demand as I wouldn't have even heard of if it wasn't.
My Grade:B-
My Grade:B-
- movieman_kev
- Dec 5, 2006
- Permalink
I wasn't expecting too much from this, although there are some extravagant claims by some, but at only 80 minutes reckoned I couldn't go too wrong. The jokey start gave me slight cause for concern but then we were off and by the end of the marvellous corn on the cob licking scene, I was all set for some silly sexy fun. The scene at the garage comes as a surprise and with the director himself playing the mechanic things get a bit harder edged. Fine. But all the time there are these little diversionary bits and bobs and I wonder if I'm the only one not finding everything as hilariously funny as the film makers clearly do. The lurch into slasher/horror territory is not unwelcome but the 'humour' increasingly comes across as silliness and prevents the nastiness from developing. About halfway through and I'd had it and although resigned to watch it through felt it was becoming more and more childish. Always good to look at and very competently made, the material just wasn't worth all the effort. My critical stance has become slightly measured after listening to the director/writer commentary and whilst it's hardly fair to rate a movie on the strength of its commentary, it did make me feel more inclined to give the benefit of doubt. It is by no means a perfect film or even a decent exploitation movie but it is well directed and edited and approached the right way many could get a smile or two and an eyeful over a beer or three.
- christopher-underwood
- Jul 11, 2007
- Permalink
I do not know whether Jonathan Yudis is the heir apparent to Russ Meyer, but he sure can make one crazy film.
The current Governor of California had to beat another actor for his job - Mary Carey. The way she eats an ear of corn or pours honey all over her body will quickly make you forget the Terminator. Who cares if he'll be back when you have Mary.
Now, to see Mary, we do have to put up with Hezekiah (Darrell Sandeen) and his "art." Along with a bodacious display of breasts, we have some blood and death, as befits a B-horror movie. But the wildest thing is yet to come!
The current Governor of California had to beat another actor for his job - Mary Carey. The way she eats an ear of corn or pours honey all over her body will quickly make you forget the Terminator. Who cares if he'll be back when you have Mary.
Now, to see Mary, we do have to put up with Hezekiah (Darrell Sandeen) and his "art." Along with a bodacious display of breasts, we have some blood and death, as befits a B-horror movie. But the wildest thing is yet to come!
- lastliberal
- Dec 19, 2009
- Permalink
Pervert! is a modern-day homage to the films of Sexploitation king Russ Meyer. I went into this not expecting much as I'm really not a big fan of the recent flood of "homage's" and "tribute's" being churned out by directors pathetically trying to cash-in on the current "retro" / "grindhouse" trend. Pervert! however, is a totally different beast.
Old Hezekiah (Darrell Sandeen) resides with his young, busty live-in whore Cheryl (Mary Carey) in Desert Range, an isolated stretch of desert in the south(?) where he indulges in his love for the art of meat sculpting. When his son James (Sean Andrews) comes to stay Cheryl gets a hankerin' for some younger meat and the two of them begin an affair behind the old man's back. Suddenly, Cheryl mysteriously disappears and James thinks his ol' man may be behind it. When Hezekiah comes home the next day with a new whore, James sets out to investigate his pops "studio" where he discovers Cheryl's temporarily re-animated corpse. But all is not as it seems, as later on when ol' pops is chained down, the bodies still keep a droppin'...
Writer/director team Jonathan Yudis and Mike Davis obviously have a Russ Meyer obsession. There are scenes and set-pieces here stolen directly from such Meyer films as Supervixens, Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!, Vixen and a few others but nevertheless Pervert! still manages not to come off as yet another feeble attempt at a cash-in. Like Meyers films, Pervert! is very comic bookish in style with dream bubbles, wacky in-your-face camera angles, cartoon sound effects and loadsa really silly humour. Aside from Darrell Sandeen's fantastic performance as the perverted old holy roller, the acting isn't all that good especially from porn star and one-time Governor of California candidate Mary Carey, although she still fulfils the role of the stereotypical Meyer chick: big, natural tits! (in fact I'm pretty sure there's no silicone in this flick at all).
So, being as this is a tribute to the spirit of Russ Meyer there's obviously a whole lotta gratuitous nudity, but there's also (mainly in the second half) a generous splattering of gore. From arterial blood sprays to ol' Hezekiah tearing his own heart out for one of his meat sculptures, Pervert! can be rather bloody at times. Also, to its credit, Pervert! never reveals its low-budget origins - it has excellent camera-work, razor sharp editing and its cartoonish colours are extra bright and bold.
Overall, for a low-budget modern-day attempt at a Sexploitation flick, Pervert! is pretty decent. Sure, some of the jokes fall flat, the acting ain't too hot, and its all been done better before but if you're lookin' for some mindless nudity and laughs, check it out.
Old Hezekiah (Darrell Sandeen) resides with his young, busty live-in whore Cheryl (Mary Carey) in Desert Range, an isolated stretch of desert in the south(?) where he indulges in his love for the art of meat sculpting. When his son James (Sean Andrews) comes to stay Cheryl gets a hankerin' for some younger meat and the two of them begin an affair behind the old man's back. Suddenly, Cheryl mysteriously disappears and James thinks his ol' man may be behind it. When Hezekiah comes home the next day with a new whore, James sets out to investigate his pops "studio" where he discovers Cheryl's temporarily re-animated corpse. But all is not as it seems, as later on when ol' pops is chained down, the bodies still keep a droppin'...
Writer/director team Jonathan Yudis and Mike Davis obviously have a Russ Meyer obsession. There are scenes and set-pieces here stolen directly from such Meyer films as Supervixens, Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!, Vixen and a few others but nevertheless Pervert! still manages not to come off as yet another feeble attempt at a cash-in. Like Meyers films, Pervert! is very comic bookish in style with dream bubbles, wacky in-your-face camera angles, cartoon sound effects and loadsa really silly humour. Aside from Darrell Sandeen's fantastic performance as the perverted old holy roller, the acting isn't all that good especially from porn star and one-time Governor of California candidate Mary Carey, although she still fulfils the role of the stereotypical Meyer chick: big, natural tits! (in fact I'm pretty sure there's no silicone in this flick at all).
So, being as this is a tribute to the spirit of Russ Meyer there's obviously a whole lotta gratuitous nudity, but there's also (mainly in the second half) a generous splattering of gore. From arterial blood sprays to ol' Hezekiah tearing his own heart out for one of his meat sculptures, Pervert! can be rather bloody at times. Also, to its credit, Pervert! never reveals its low-budget origins - it has excellent camera-work, razor sharp editing and its cartoonish colours are extra bright and bold.
Overall, for a low-budget modern-day attempt at a Sexploitation flick, Pervert! is pretty decent. Sure, some of the jokes fall flat, the acting ain't too hot, and its all been done better before but if you're lookin' for some mindless nudity and laughs, check it out.
I lost some serious IQ points watching this. the acting was bad. the plot was non existent. Yes, it had a quirky '70s porn feel to it, and was, as I said, quirky. I guess if you are drunk or high on some heavy drugs, it might have some redeeming value, but overall, oh my god! I love bad movies, but this one...as the subject line says, OUCH! I watched this because it was reference in a similar film, "One Eyed Monster, but have to agree with the poster there, that was a far superior film, and that is not saying much. OK, the claymation penis was humorous, but that was about the only thing this movie had going for it, other than an abundance of gratuitous boob shoots.
- owlthuthewar
- Jul 21, 2009
- Permalink
- fullfemale
- Nov 28, 2009
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This is one of those movies, I wish i could un-see! The entire film was really stupid and WTF! Don't waste your money! Even though this movie has t and a, its not worth sitting through. Its so juvenile and retarded you might vomit. Downright awful and disgusting. I guess its supposed to be grindhouse, but its just disturbing. Even after several beers, this it not even funny or entertaining. At one point there is a dancing talking penis. I think the directors / writer must have the IQ of a 5 yr old. I bought the movie because of the title. I thought oh cool a movie with lots of hot naked chicks. Boy was I disappointed. Mary Carey has a nice rack but this disaster of a movie is hard to sit through. Go buy a porno instead
- Scarecrow-88
- Feb 19, 2009
- Permalink
- michaelRokeefe
- Aug 20, 2011
- Permalink
This film completely surprised me. I rented it thinking it would probably be fairly bad, but be entertaining because of it. I quickly realized that this is actually a very funny and well done flick. The cheese is intentional, the breasts are wonderful, the script is actually quite clever, and the cinematography is impressive. Even my girlfriend enjoyed watching it, and laughed through the whole thing. That is saying a lot, since she has an aversion to anything not released by a major studio.
The only reason I didn't score this film higher is I feel it lost momentum towards the end due to a stop motion animation gag that I think went on a little to long. All and all though, a great movie, especially for such a low budget ($50,000 is the figure given on the making-of documentary on the DVD)
The only reason I didn't score this film higher is I feel it lost momentum towards the end due to a stop motion animation gag that I think went on a little to long. All and all though, a great movie, especially for such a low budget ($50,000 is the figure given on the making-of documentary on the DVD)
- poolandrews
- Oct 5, 2007
- Permalink
Look, I'm not going to take a thing away from Robert Rodriguez or Quentin Tarantino when they take on the task of re-creating the classic B-movies of the Russ Meyer era -- but when you have $50 million bucks at your disposal to spend on state-of-the-art effects and every actor in town lining up to work with you, let's just say you're working with advantages that Russ Meyer would have sawed off his own leg to achieve.
Jonathan Yudis did it on a real Russ Meyer micro-budget, and pulls it off beautifully.
Pervert is an over-the-top spoof with deliberately hokey special effects, obviously fake violence, joyously cheesy sexploitation, and deadpan acting by a cast that's obviously enjoying what they're doing.
If you're a fan of the Russ Meyer classics, this is a must-see movie.
Jonathan Yudis did it on a real Russ Meyer micro-budget, and pulls it off beautifully.
Pervert is an over-the-top spoof with deliberately hokey special effects, obviously fake violence, joyously cheesy sexploitation, and deadpan acting by a cast that's obviously enjoying what they're doing.
If you're a fan of the Russ Meyer classics, this is a must-see movie.
King Russ Meyer is dead
Long live King Meyer! That must have been one of the mottoes director Jonathan Yudis treasured whilst shooting this indescribably demented but surprisingly successful tribute to rancid 70's exploitation, and more particularly to the fabulous repertoire of the Fellini of the Sex Industry; mister Russ Meyer himself. "Pervert!" has a weak premise, an incoherent screenplay, monotonous & uninspired cinematography and horrid acting performances
but we wouldn't want it any other way! It's a silly, brainless smut-production and it advertises a famous porn star's big breasts on all the posters, that is all you need to know! Twenty-something James drives up to his father's isolated ranch in the desert to help him out with the chores during the summer. Father Hezekiah has clearly found some new hobbies since his wife died, like making females sculptures out of rotting meat and more importantly share the bed with the large-breasted Cheryl. James, understandably, wants a piece of her as well, which leads to father/son arguments on the ranch. Shortly after, Cheryl goes missing and Hezekiah new and equally voluptuous girlfriend turns up dead. The plot then takes a couple of grotesquely insane twists and ludicrous turns, and only truly die-hard exploitation fanatics will be able to tolerate them. The first words that can be heard in "Pervert!" are the lyrics of a song that is spot-on and immediately determines the atmosphere of the entire film: "Baby, I'm so sick
I'm so twisted. I'm a pervert, baby!". Hell yeah, everyone's slightly perverted (or at least deranged) in this movie! "Pervert!" is definitely inspired by the best work of Russ Meyer. For example, the compilation of moments when James & Cheryl have sex at various places around the ranch while Hezekiah is sleeping is clearly copied from "Supervixens" and the early scene with the yummy hitch-hiker is also a textbook Russ Meyer utopia. Adult movie star Mary Carey can't act, and she honestly isn't very attractive, but she sure has an impressive pair of blouse bunnies. Jonathan Yudis set aside an interesting role for himself as well, namely the nasty and sexually confused mechanic in town. He also rewarded himself with a totally gratuitous and unexpected kick-a-toddler moment, which was priceless. "Pervert!" is a strange, gory (some nasty butchering, too) and totally moronic no-budget fan-boy flick that proves that grindhouse cinema definitely isn't dead. Warmly recommended to people with a bizarre taste.
When you consider that Russ Meyer's films weren't that great to begin with, then this "tribute" easily becomes forgettable. Mercifully, "Pervert" has a run time of only 81 minutes, and yet it still wears out it's welcome early on. A son who is dumb as the post holes his father has him digging in the desert, is constantly chasing around bare breasted women. All of this becomes redundant and numbing. Throw in endless weak double entendre's , porno quality acting, and a claymation killer penis, and it's easy to see why "Pervert" has little to offer other than trying too hard to be bizarre. Not recommended............. - MERK
- merklekranz
- Jul 31, 2011
- Permalink
A word. What is the pervert? Sex freak, deranged degenerate, disturbed diabolical psychotic subversive embracer of things both erotic and erratic.
If you have no interest in seeing Mary Carey and other large-chested ladies naked, this film is probably not for you. Personally, I do not find Carey attractive and am not really into voluptuous women. Nude women, sure, but just not of this body type.
I liked the meat sculptures. I wish they played a bigger role, but it just was not meant to be.
Is this film the successor to Russ Meyer? At least one reviewer thinks so, but I say that either gives this film too much credit or is just downright insulting to Meyer. I would say the sensibility is closer to the films of John Waters, but even that is giving this film an undeserved comparison.
The movie is very cheesy, but has a few humorous moments. For some reason, Netflix lists this as a horror film. I would call that a bit of a stretch. I mean, yeah, there is blood and murder, but not until the second half. (I guess you cannot be a half-horror film, though.)
If you have no interest in seeing Mary Carey and other large-chested ladies naked, this film is probably not for you. Personally, I do not find Carey attractive and am not really into voluptuous women. Nude women, sure, but just not of this body type.
I liked the meat sculptures. I wish they played a bigger role, but it just was not meant to be.
Is this film the successor to Russ Meyer? At least one reviewer thinks so, but I say that either gives this film too much credit or is just downright insulting to Meyer. I would say the sensibility is closer to the films of John Waters, but even that is giving this film an undeserved comparison.
The movie is very cheesy, but has a few humorous moments. For some reason, Netflix lists this as a horror film. I would call that a bit of a stretch. I mean, yeah, there is blood and murder, but not until the second half. (I guess you cannot be a half-horror film, though.)
But still, I was entertained. Maybe I'm just a dumb guy at heart and basically constant boobs on screen means I won't hate on a film. This really reminded me of like if a Benny Hill show could show the nudity you know they always wanted to. It's basically a ton of sex jokes and a ton of I guess the lead actress basically constantly at least topless if not full on nude.
I guess what makes me not think it's trying to be a softcore film (which irks me, either be porn or don't) is the zany silly nature of it. It has no real plot, which is surprising given there's a body count you'd think there'd be a good reason for it but it's just dumb silly dick jokes with a bunch of boobs.
I guess what makes me not think it's trying to be a softcore film (which irks me, either be porn or don't) is the zany silly nature of it. It has no real plot, which is surprising given there's a body count you'd think there'd be a good reason for it but it's just dumb silly dick jokes with a bunch of boobs.
- dave-heberer
- Sep 12, 2019
- Permalink
This was a film that I recall playing at my local theater when I was in college. Looking at the release date, it would have been a couple years after its release and it was playing as a midnight movie. Having seen the film now, it actually makes a lot of sense. The synopsis for this film is a young man comes home to visit his father and his new wife. The problem is that there is a killer that follows him home and seems to be targeting women.
It kicks off with narration from Malik Carter. He is speaking quite cryptic, but we do know there's going to be nudity, blood and gore. We then meet the son, James (Sean Andrews). He picks up a hitchhiker and when she discovers what's in the glove box, she gets out and mocks him. He's embarrassed but continues on to his father's home.
His father is Hezekiah (Darrell Sandeen). His mother has passed away and Hezekiah is now with Cheryl (Mary Carey). She is a former stripper and she is kind over the top in her sexuality. James is trying to ignore her, but the two of them end up making love, quite a bit. One night, something comes out from under James' bed. Cheryl is murdered that night. James blames his father while he blames his son.
It doesn't end here though. Hezekiah ends up finding another woman, Alisha (Sally Jean). She is quite mean to James, but in the end she also falls for him as well. There is another weird POV that is distorted and again from under James' bed. There is also the subplot that the odd dreams he's having with a witch doctor (Edmund Johnson) might have something to do with what is happening. Who is doing these killings? Can it be solved before it is too late and piling up more victims?
Now I came in not really knowing to expect. When I saw it was a horror/comedy, I figured that it would be a bit over the top with the title. It wasn't until I finished it and started to look into it a bit before writing this that this is making a modern interpretation of exploitation films. To be more specific actually paying homage to Russ Meyer, who was known as the king of nudie films.
I do have to say, this film isn't for me. I'm not the biggest fan of films that are completely outrageous like this one. I'm sure this film is on par with the films it is paying homage to though. My biggest issue though is that it too forever to get to the horror aspects of the film. It has a low running time of 81 minutes and really didn't get to the horror aspects until legitimately halfway through. The film also comes off a little bit boring for me, but that is probably due not really enjoying what they are going for. That's just not really my cup of tea.
Something else is that the jokes didn't land for me. I can normally get down for toilet humor, but for me the jokes they try to do just weren't funny. Some of the over the top things that happen did make me chuckle. I do think there is an audience out there for this though. There is a ton of nudity, which I can get on board for. Carey is a pornstar and the rest of the girls seem to be actresses that have not done a whole lot. You do get to see all of them nude though.
I can't really say anything bad about the acting, which is next on the docket to cover. I can say it is amateurish, but I believe they are over the top on purpose. Andrews is so awkward, which is funny when the ladies are attracted to him. It does make sense later in the film. Carey isn't bad and the same for Sandeen. I think the acting actually fits for the tone the film is going for and with saying that, the rest of the cast is on par.
Next I'll cover the effects of the film. I was glad to see that they were done practically. The film did hide a lot of it, which is a good move actually. There is mostly things done with make-up and the blood looked good. Hezekiah works a lot with meat, which I'm assuming was real and was bit odd. There also was some stop-motion and what it is using it on was a bit outrageous, which is the major theme of this review. It doesn't look bad, but it also wasn't great. I do think the film was shot well actually.
Now with that said, this film I think really has a niche audience and it wasn't really for me. I do give them credit for paying homage to the films of Meyer's, but I think I might need to seek out some of his films to get a better understanding. The story is disjointed and doesn't flow like I wanted it to, but it did has some funny aspects. The comedy really didn't land with me though. The acting is over the top, but that was definitely what they were supposed to do. The effects were actually pretty solid, even though there aren't a lot of them. The soundtrack of the film didn't really stick with me, but it never took me out of the film. Just to re-iterate, for me this is a bad movie. I do think there is a group of people out there that will like this. I could definitely put it on at a party of dudes just to laugh at for sure.
It kicks off with narration from Malik Carter. He is speaking quite cryptic, but we do know there's going to be nudity, blood and gore. We then meet the son, James (Sean Andrews). He picks up a hitchhiker and when she discovers what's in the glove box, she gets out and mocks him. He's embarrassed but continues on to his father's home.
His father is Hezekiah (Darrell Sandeen). His mother has passed away and Hezekiah is now with Cheryl (Mary Carey). She is a former stripper and she is kind over the top in her sexuality. James is trying to ignore her, but the two of them end up making love, quite a bit. One night, something comes out from under James' bed. Cheryl is murdered that night. James blames his father while he blames his son.
It doesn't end here though. Hezekiah ends up finding another woman, Alisha (Sally Jean). She is quite mean to James, but in the end she also falls for him as well. There is another weird POV that is distorted and again from under James' bed. There is also the subplot that the odd dreams he's having with a witch doctor (Edmund Johnson) might have something to do with what is happening. Who is doing these killings? Can it be solved before it is too late and piling up more victims?
Now I came in not really knowing to expect. When I saw it was a horror/comedy, I figured that it would be a bit over the top with the title. It wasn't until I finished it and started to look into it a bit before writing this that this is making a modern interpretation of exploitation films. To be more specific actually paying homage to Russ Meyer, who was known as the king of nudie films.
I do have to say, this film isn't for me. I'm not the biggest fan of films that are completely outrageous like this one. I'm sure this film is on par with the films it is paying homage to though. My biggest issue though is that it too forever to get to the horror aspects of the film. It has a low running time of 81 minutes and really didn't get to the horror aspects until legitimately halfway through. The film also comes off a little bit boring for me, but that is probably due not really enjoying what they are going for. That's just not really my cup of tea.
Something else is that the jokes didn't land for me. I can normally get down for toilet humor, but for me the jokes they try to do just weren't funny. Some of the over the top things that happen did make me chuckle. I do think there is an audience out there for this though. There is a ton of nudity, which I can get on board for. Carey is a pornstar and the rest of the girls seem to be actresses that have not done a whole lot. You do get to see all of them nude though.
I can't really say anything bad about the acting, which is next on the docket to cover. I can say it is amateurish, but I believe they are over the top on purpose. Andrews is so awkward, which is funny when the ladies are attracted to him. It does make sense later in the film. Carey isn't bad and the same for Sandeen. I think the acting actually fits for the tone the film is going for and with saying that, the rest of the cast is on par.
Next I'll cover the effects of the film. I was glad to see that they were done practically. The film did hide a lot of it, which is a good move actually. There is mostly things done with make-up and the blood looked good. Hezekiah works a lot with meat, which I'm assuming was real and was bit odd. There also was some stop-motion and what it is using it on was a bit outrageous, which is the major theme of this review. It doesn't look bad, but it also wasn't great. I do think the film was shot well actually.
Now with that said, this film I think really has a niche audience and it wasn't really for me. I do give them credit for paying homage to the films of Meyer's, but I think I might need to seek out some of his films to get a better understanding. The story is disjointed and doesn't flow like I wanted it to, but it did has some funny aspects. The comedy really didn't land with me though. The acting is over the top, but that was definitely what they were supposed to do. The effects were actually pretty solid, even though there aren't a lot of them. The soundtrack of the film didn't really stick with me, but it never took me out of the film. Just to re-iterate, for me this is a bad movie. I do think there is a group of people out there that will like this. I could definitely put it on at a party of dudes just to laugh at for sure.
- Reviews_of_the_Dead
- Jun 8, 2019
- Permalink
Tonight I saw a film directed by the heir apparent to Russ Meyer.
Tonight I saw PERVERT!.
While Russ Meyer may have passed on to the great beyond a little over a year ago his spirit certainly lives on in filmmaker Jonathan Yudis and his movie PERVERT!. With PERVERT! Yudis has made a film that Meyer would be proud of. Yudis has done what so many other filmmakers have failed to do in the past: he's captured the crazy spirit that filled many of Meyer's movies without losing any of their bite. Yudis has made what is as close as you can get to a Russ Meyer movie made for the 21st century and in today's politically correct climate I'm sure it wasn't easy for him to do.
In PERVERT! Yudis has created a style of film that, in most cases, has been dead for a long time. It's film that decides to go all the way and not hold anything back. It's a movie that's equal parts comedy, part horror/gore movie, and part sex film. It's a crazy and unbridled romp through Meyers land and it's made even better by the fact that Yudis has obviously studied the geography as his movie comes across almost as if it were made by the man himself. The music, the editing, the dialog all of it is there. I've often wondered what Russ Meyer might be able to do with the advent of the digital film-making revolution and Yudis has provided the answer. Meyer'd make something almost exactly like PERVERT!.
And in some ways Yudis has made something better than a Meyer film. The director of this movie avoids a lot of the clunkiness of Meyer's films and the movie breezes along at a quick and humorous pace. The movie's actually funny and the lines and moments that are supposed to make you laugh are actually able to do so. While the dialog is just as guffaw-inducing as old-school Meyer there are actually jokes in this film that work. Not to mention that the delivery by many of the actors goes a long way. Specifically by the lead actor Sean Andrews and the actor who plays his father, Darrell Sandeen. Sandeen has some great lines in the flick which he delivers in a way that'd make Adam West envious. All in all Yudis has made an extremely enjoyable film. Special kudos for to animator Corky Quakenbush (Of Mad TV's Raging Rudolf and Davey and Goliath as Son of Sam fame,) for putting together some really great claymation sequences that occur towards the "ahem" climax of the movie. Yep, you read that last part right PERVERT! even has claymation! It's claymation that definitely isn't for the kiddies but neither is the rest of the movie.
After all, it is a Russ Meyer style movie and yes, gentlemen, it's not for the sexually conservative among you. The film co-stars Skinemax adult star Marey Carey who's more than willing to display her, um, talents for the screen as are several of the other actresses in the film. There's plenty of skin to go around in this movie but then the movie is called PERVERT! after all. In true Russ Meyer fashion the buxom ladies are plenty in this movie and they're not shy. It's not overly explicit and by no means is it pornographic but for those of you that can't stand the sight of female nudity you might want to stay away from this one. For the rest of us, Yudis delivers the ladies in spades and I'm sure Russ Mayers and Marey Carey fans everywhere will be grateful in spades.
Let's just say that I don't think PERVERT! is going to be playing in the Bible Belt any time soon. Which is too bad for them as they'll be messing out on a great piece of cinematic fun. Yeah, a movie called PERVERT! isn't going to be for everyone but for those of you that it is for (and you know who you are) you should be guaranteed a pretty good time or at the very least some really good laughs.
Tonight I saw PERVERT!.
While Russ Meyer may have passed on to the great beyond a little over a year ago his spirit certainly lives on in filmmaker Jonathan Yudis and his movie PERVERT!. With PERVERT! Yudis has made a film that Meyer would be proud of. Yudis has done what so many other filmmakers have failed to do in the past: he's captured the crazy spirit that filled many of Meyer's movies without losing any of their bite. Yudis has made what is as close as you can get to a Russ Meyer movie made for the 21st century and in today's politically correct climate I'm sure it wasn't easy for him to do.
In PERVERT! Yudis has created a style of film that, in most cases, has been dead for a long time. It's film that decides to go all the way and not hold anything back. It's a movie that's equal parts comedy, part horror/gore movie, and part sex film. It's a crazy and unbridled romp through Meyers land and it's made even better by the fact that Yudis has obviously studied the geography as his movie comes across almost as if it were made by the man himself. The music, the editing, the dialog all of it is there. I've often wondered what Russ Meyer might be able to do with the advent of the digital film-making revolution and Yudis has provided the answer. Meyer'd make something almost exactly like PERVERT!.
And in some ways Yudis has made something better than a Meyer film. The director of this movie avoids a lot of the clunkiness of Meyer's films and the movie breezes along at a quick and humorous pace. The movie's actually funny and the lines and moments that are supposed to make you laugh are actually able to do so. While the dialog is just as guffaw-inducing as old-school Meyer there are actually jokes in this film that work. Not to mention that the delivery by many of the actors goes a long way. Specifically by the lead actor Sean Andrews and the actor who plays his father, Darrell Sandeen. Sandeen has some great lines in the flick which he delivers in a way that'd make Adam West envious. All in all Yudis has made an extremely enjoyable film. Special kudos for to animator Corky Quakenbush (Of Mad TV's Raging Rudolf and Davey and Goliath as Son of Sam fame,) for putting together some really great claymation sequences that occur towards the "ahem" climax of the movie. Yep, you read that last part right PERVERT! even has claymation! It's claymation that definitely isn't for the kiddies but neither is the rest of the movie.
After all, it is a Russ Meyer style movie and yes, gentlemen, it's not for the sexually conservative among you. The film co-stars Skinemax adult star Marey Carey who's more than willing to display her, um, talents for the screen as are several of the other actresses in the film. There's plenty of skin to go around in this movie but then the movie is called PERVERT! after all. In true Russ Meyer fashion the buxom ladies are plenty in this movie and they're not shy. It's not overly explicit and by no means is it pornographic but for those of you that can't stand the sight of female nudity you might want to stay away from this one. For the rest of us, Yudis delivers the ladies in spades and I'm sure Russ Mayers and Marey Carey fans everywhere will be grateful in spades.
Let's just say that I don't think PERVERT! is going to be playing in the Bible Belt any time soon. Which is too bad for them as they'll be messing out on a great piece of cinematic fun. Yeah, a movie called PERVERT! isn't going to be for everyone but for those of you that it is for (and you know who you are) you should be guaranteed a pretty good time or at the very least some really good laughs.
- superheroic
- Jan 31, 2006
- Permalink
- Lord-of-Delusion
- Mar 28, 2007
- Permalink
The most unpretentious - thrown to the wind and splattered all over your face fun. I thought this film was going to be disturbing- but quite surprisingly , I love it more and laugh harder every time I see it. The soundtrack is genius. The acting couldn't be more perfect to fit the bill. The "dating" scenes , brilliantly executed. Hats off to the creative team who had the courage and folly to execute this extremely complicated B movie with style and finesse...and a hell of a laugh unlike any other film you have ever seen can give you- at least in my opinion (and I am a woman.) The bizarreness factor has you wavering between - "What is this?!" - to - "This is brilliant and totally unselfconscious!"
If you're like me then you like busty ladies, wacky rednecks, and crazy voodoo involving male specific anatomy. If you're like me, then you're a PERVERT! And you'll love this movie.
This picture is a brilliant homage to the Russ Meyer nudie-cutie flicks of old. The wonderful thing about this movie is that the filmmakers clearly love the genre that they're pulling from, and the result is not parody but admiration. I'm tempted to even use the word respect, but that seems a little overblown.
I'll sum it up by saying this: If you're the kind of person that has even heard about this movie, much less had it recommended to you by your mom and considered watching it, then you're more than likely the rare breed who will relate to the tragic, titillating, triumphant tale of a healthy young pervert.
This picture is a brilliant homage to the Russ Meyer nudie-cutie flicks of old. The wonderful thing about this movie is that the filmmakers clearly love the genre that they're pulling from, and the result is not parody but admiration. I'm tempted to even use the word respect, but that seems a little overblown.
I'll sum it up by saying this: If you're the kind of person that has even heard about this movie, much less had it recommended to you by your mom and considered watching it, then you're more than likely the rare breed who will relate to the tragic, titillating, triumphant tale of a healthy young pervert.
- slayrrr666
- Nov 30, 2006
- Permalink