Admittedly I only caught 5/6th of the movie because I was called out of the room on two occasions. However overall I have a pretty good idea of the movie and where it was going.
The documentary footage format served it well, though because documentaries aren't very good at building tension this movie never made me really emotionally engage the characters.
I give the movie credit for educating me about our oil infrastructure, and they paint a somewhat feasible picture of a sequence of events that could lead to a serious economic drought in America.
What I don't like about the movie is that it never looked at any possibilities of 'alternative fuels'. They mention present day politicians like President Bush, but they never mention present day initiatives like alternative fuel vehicles and Willie Nelson's Biodiesel efforts. The fact that these things were omitted makes me wonder who paid for this movie and what it's purpose was. Every time a problem with our oil supply occurred, the documentary just said "So we needed to find another source of oil"..