George Bunny credited as playing...
James Miller
- James Miller: You know as much about automobiles as an ostrich!
- Sol Rosenburg: How can a man be so dumb and still live?
- James Miller: Look in a mirror - you'll find out, you lummox!
- Sol Rosenburg: One thing what's good - you know I always take care from our business.
- James Miller: Business - bah! Monkey business! Didn't I find you doing the same thing with the one before her? Didn't you even flirt with that dame Rebecca from Sunnybrook farm?
- Sol Rosenburg: That's the one I caught you mit.
- James Miller: You're not as crazy as I thought - you're crazier!
- James Miller: Rosenburg - you look like the answer to an old maid's prayer.
- Sol Rosenburg: Say, an old maid wouldn't even pray for you - you old fossil!
- James Miller: I'm a damn fool!
- Sol Rosenburg: At last we agree!
- James Miller: Don't call me a fool - you fool!