"South of Nowhere" airs on The-N, a fairly new channel that from 6am to 6pm is mainly aimed at small children. Who would think they would ever pick this kind of show, right? Let me inform you that even though SON is not perfect in any way.. it makes up for in storyline and content. Never before a TV show has featured its main character, especially a teenage girl, coming to terms with her sexuality and that being one of the main points of the show. It's more than just a kiss between 2 girls for ratings... rather than just showing the physical stuff... the focus is on the story itself and Spencer's journey in finding out who she really is...more about character development... especially with the two main characters... I'm so excited to have this show, I see myself in Spencer 3 years ago... her struggle to find out who she is and accepting it, but still afraid of rejection from her family as well as everyone else... all this while falling in love for the first time. Gabrielle Christian (Spencer) and Mandy Musgrave (Ashley) have made these characters their own... and they both share an amazing chemistry together, which makes the story more believable. Just to have this kind of show on TV is an amazing thing... I just wish more people knew about it... but slowly the show is getting more and more attention... already about to premiere its second season, Sept. 29th and we just found out it has been renewed for a third season... so more Spashley!!! I would highly recommend this show to anyone... very cute story, real, groundbreaking...