A confusing and must be said rather dull sequel to a very good, if very very low budget original. It is a bit better made on a technical level but the story is confusing and lacks most of what made the film so good. A protracted and pointless sequence in a dance club and a number of other "song" interludes distract and the ending, which is really stolen from THE EYE and MOTHMAN PROPHECIES, is too cheaply done to be effective. The basic premise of the first film is mostly forgotten and the ghostwatcher elements here have ultimately not much to do with the plot. Creepy moments and few and far between this time.
This film does feature a short TV horror movie spoof which is funny and features brief if memorable nudity for those looking for that. But I just have to say this sequel doesn't really merit sitting through all the way through, though I did out of respect for how good the first film was.
The director still has potential but should have struck out and make something other than a sequel as a follow up. All the CG in this one is pretty weak and take up time that was better spent in the first film with good makeup Fx. It's not worthless the opening car crash scene is smartly done and seems like a good setup to a film but the rest of the film gets less and less tense. Acting is eh. Real problem is that the story isn't exciting, is a bit confusing and ultimately is just routine. Better luck next time, just don't make Ghost Watcher 3.