The Last Legion (2007) Poster

Rupert Friend: Demetrius



  • Demetrius : You kept your armor after all these years?

    Tertius : Ten years as a farmer gives you something worth fighting for. Twenty as a legionary teaches you to be ready for the day.

    Demetrius : Good man.

  • Aurelius : My friends, we've all seen many mornings like this one. Together we've watched the sun rise, and not known if that day would be our last. Some comrades I've seen, scarcely out of boyhood, trembling before their first battle.

    Demetrius : It was a cold morning, Commander.

    Aurelius : That it was, Demetrius. And you men of the Ninth Legion, all of us, together we have fought all our lives for the Empire our ancestors created, and together we have watched that Empire crumble to dust. And with its fall we have lost two friends. I can tell you that in the darkest moments, I came to believe that there was nothing left to fight for. But I've been shown, through the wisdom of others, that there is one more battle to be waged, against tyranny and the slaughter of innocents. Let us defend to the last breath this island of Brittania, against those who would tear out its heart and soul! And then those who come after us l remember that there was such a thing as a Roman soldier, with a Roman sword, and a Roman heart!

    [draws sword] 

    Aurelius : Hail, Caesar!

    All : Hail, Caesar!

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