Transylvania (2006)
Birol Ünel: Tchangalo
Zingarina : What is it?
Tchangalo : Vodka!
Zingarina : Vodka!
Tchangalo : What is this?
Zingarina : What?
Tchangalo : This!
Zingarina : Protection.
Tchangalo : Protection? What make a girl like you come to Transylvania?
Zingarina : A man. A great man. Musician.
Tchangalo : Musician? They all times have nice pretty girls like you around them.
Zingarina : What makes a man like you go around the road?
Tchangalo : Gold! And you?
Zingarina : I told you.
Tchangalo : You're looking for what?
Zingarina : I'm looking for love.