David Gasman credited as playing...
Lucas Kane • Tyler Miles • Police Captain • Crazy German Guy • Government Warning • Radio Evangelist
- Lucas Kane: Things are never quite what they seem. We think we understand the world around us but we really only see the outside. What it seems to be. I used to be just like you. I believed in humanity, the newspapers, soap commercials, politics and even history books. One day the world kicks you in the teeth and you dont have any choice but to see things the way they really are. My name is Lucas Kane. My story is the one where an ordinary guy has something extraordinary happen to him. Maybe it was supposed to happen. Maybe it was my destiny or my karma or whatever. I know one thing for sure... nothings ever going to be the same again.
- [last lines]
- Lucas Kane: [good ending]
- [narrating]
- Lucas Kane: The cold went away just as it had come. In silence. As if the indigo child had turned the hourglass by delivering her message. Everything was just as it was before, I guess that means the lesser evil. The Oracle and the Orange clan went back to their places of power in the secret government of the world, and the Purple clan went back to haunting us on the net. I should be happy I guess. I've been living with Carla for three months. She's the best thing that's happened to me in a long time. Yesterday, she told me that she's pregnant. Must've been that night in Bogarts underground base. That means that our child was radiated by the chroma at Wishita, just like I was in my mothers womb. I don't know what's gonna happen now. I'm the one and only keeper of the greatest secret of the universe. What should I do with all that power? Forget it? Put it in the service of humanity? I've never dreamt about being a god. I just want to live my life like anybody else, with my wife and my child. I'm afraid that destiny might have another path in mind for me...
- Carla Valenti: What're you thinking about, Lucas?
- Lucas Kane: Oh, nothing. Nothing at all...
- [kisses Carla]
- Lucas Kane: It all started right here... Where else could it happen? New York, capital of the universe...