To play Rasputia, Eddie Murphy undergoes 2 to 3 hours of makeup and had to wear a "fat" suit that weighed 34 kilograms. The process was similar with playing Mr. Wong which took 2 to 2 1/2 hours with gloves and dentures.
Thandie Newton followed a strict diet during filming The script described Kate as much thinner than a common girl. It also made Rasputia look heavier.
According to Thandie Newton, the movie was originally going to be darker. The first draft Newton read involved Rasputia abusing Norbit to a much heavier extent than in the final movie.
Some critics suggested that Eddie Murphy's involvement with this widely-panned movie may have hurt his chances of winning the Oscar for Best Actor in a Supporting Role for Dreamgirls (2006). In the end, Murphy lost the award to Alan Arkin for Little Miss Sunshine (2006).