Seeing Final Days of Planet Earth with nothing better to do I saw it with relatively low expectations and actually it is not great by any stretch of the imagination it was a little better than I anticipated. SyFy have done much worse than this. It does have a great title and the cast are better than average, Gil Bellows in a quite charismatic performance faring best. Daryl Hannah has given more natural performances in the likes of Splash and Roxanne but still looks gorgeous and sexy and gives her character the right amount of evilness. The scenery is decent also, and the soundtrack likewise. On the other hand, Final Days of Planet Earth is too long, everything feels very drawn dull and what made the film furthermore dull was that the story is not enough to sustain the running time so felt padded and aimless at certain points. The beginning is also very confused, and there are one too many ridiculous parts to single out. The effects are not as bad as I've seen in other SyFy movies but still look rather slapdash, while the script is stilted in flow and flatly written. The characters are also not that interesting, either coming across as stereotypical, underdeveloped or both, and I wasn't really all that surprised by the Queen's identity. All in all, there has been far worse but at the same time there is nothing to rave about. 4/10 Bethany Cox