Michael Shannon credited as playing...
Peter Evans
- Agnes White: You don't sound like you're from Oklahoma.
- Peter Evans: I'm from Beaver.
- Agnes White: Well, we're all from beaver, ain't we?
- Peter Evans: Listen! Listen! If you want to know what is going on, you have to listen to me! You have to! Because you don't know the fucking enormity of what we're dealing with! Listen: May 29th, 1954, the consortium of bankers, industrialists, corporate CEOs and politicians held a series of meetings over three days at the Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeek, Holland... they drew up a plan for maintaining the "status quo."
- Agnes White: What's that?
- Peter Evans: It's "the way things are," it's "the rich get richer, the poor get poorer." They devised a plan to manipulate technology, economics, the media, population control, world religion, to keep things the way they are. And they have continued to meet once a year, every year, since the original meeting. Look it up! Under their orders, the CIA had smuggled Nazi scientists into the States to work with the American military and Calspan, developing an inter-epidermal tracking microchip.
- Agnes White: A what?
- Peter Evans: It's a surveillance tool. It's a microchip that's been implanted in the skin of every human being born on the planet since 1982. The test group for the prototype was the People's Temple! And when the Reverend Jim Jones threatened to expose them, he and every member of his church were assassinated!
- Peter Evans: [on why he hasn't been with a woman for a long time] I just decided it wasn't worth it anymore.
- Agnes White: What wasn't?
- Peter Evans: You have a center, right? A place inside of you that's just you, that hasn't been spoiled. And I think it's really important to try and keep that space sacred. In some sense, on some level, but sex or relationships cloud that space... or they cloud me I guess, and make it difficult to be just me and not have to worry about... being somebody else. I sound like a big asshole, don't I?
- R.C.: Aphids can't bite.
- Peter Evans: You know a lot about aphids?
- R.C.: ...No.
- Peter Evans: Do you know anything about aphids?
- R.C.: No.
- Peter Evans: We do.
- Peter Evans: [referring to the smoke detector he's just knocked off Agnes' ceiling] You should get rid of that.
- Agnes White: How come?
- Peter Evans: They're dangerous. They have Americium-241 in them.
- Agnes White: What's that?
- Peter Evans: It's an element. A radioactive element.
- Agnes White: No shit?
- Peter Evans: More radioactive than plutonium.
- Agnes White: Jesus... No wonder I feel so lousy all the time.