Garry Chalk credited as playing...
Optimus Prime • Soundwave
- Jetfire: Optimus, we should tell people that we're fanboys.
- Optimus Prime: Hmmm... Not a bad idea.
- Jetfire: No, I'm sorry! I was just kidding!
- Optimus Prime: Ha. I guess we're a bit tall.
- Optimus Prime: [narrating] Our worlds are in danger. To save them and the galaxy we must find the four cyber planet keys before the Decepticons can use them for evil. It is our mission. Hotshot, Jetfire, Landmine, Vector Prime, Scattorshot, Optimus Prime... Transform and roll out.
- Optimus Prime: Override, since you helped us and it came from your planet you have the honor of placing the planet cup in the omega lock.
- Override: Thanks.
- [Override offers the planet cup to the omega lock. It floats upwards and turns into the Speed Planet cyber planet key. She pushes the key into the omega lock with everyone else oohing and ahhing]
- Lori: I can hear the omega frequency.
- Bud: Yeah, it's getting louder.
- Coby: [thinking] Those are coordinates.
- Optimus Prime: Scattorshot?
- Scattorshot: The key just pumped in a whole bunch of data. The co-ordinates seem to be pointing to the North Pole.
- Optimus Prime: What's it pointing to?
- Scattorshot: I don't know.
- Clocker: Please be all right, Hot Shot. He's going to be all right, isn't he, Brakedown?
- Brakedown: I do believe so Clocker. If he believes.
- Clocker: I believe.
- Optimus Prime: Thanks for all of your help, Brakedown.
- Brakedown: No problem, Optimus Prime. My home is your home for as long as you like. It's the least we can do after all you boys have done for us. Clocker, help me gather more energon.
- Clocker: I'm coming!
- Optimus Prime: Autobots! Sound off!
- Landmine: Landmine!
- Overhaul: Overhaul!
- Scattorshot: Scattorshot!
- Jetfire: Jetfire!
- Hot Shot: Hot Shot!
- Jolt: Jolt!
- Hot Shot: Who's the pathetic one now, Megatron?
- Megatron: [a light is cast over Megatron as a new cyber planet key is revealed] At last a new cyber planet key. You should be honoured and now, good bye.
- [Megatron ploughs right through Hot Shot, Red Alert and Scattorshot]
- Optimus Prime: Scattorshot? Red Alert? Hot Shot?
- [growling]
- Optimus Prime: No, Megatron!
- Optimus Prime: Red Alert, why didn't you tell me this before?
- Red Alert: I know. Hot Shot began to race with his head and forgot to use his heart.
- Optimus Prime: That wasn't your decision to make. I counted on you.
- Red Alert: Yes. I know.
- Crumplezone: Hey, nobody talks to Megatron like that!
- Ransack: Maybe we should teach him a lesson.
- Optimus Prime: What was that?
- Crumplezone, Ransack: [cowering behind a boulder] Nothing, sir.
- Scourge: Well, whoever you are, you're going to regret coming here.
- Hot Shot: Actually, Scourge, I think you're going to be the one who regrets coming here.
- Red Alert: We owe you a lot, Megatron. No I'd take that back... You owe us big time.
- Scattorshot: You think you can hurt me and my friends and get away with it? Well, I've got something for you and missiles and kicks to boot.
- Optimus Prime: Wait a minute. I recognize those voices. Scattorshot? Red Alert? Hot Shot? Is that really you?
- Hot Shot, Red Alert, Scattorshot: Yes, sir!
- Bud: Okay, Jolt. Where is your homeworld?
- Jolt: Well I don't. You see?
- Optimus Prime: What does that mean?
- Jolt: Vector Prime. A little help?
- Vector Prime: [Projector image] My path crossed that of the Minicons as their ship was drifting aimlessly through space.
- Wing Saber: Why were you guys adrift in space?
- Jolt: That's a good question. We were playing hide'n'seek and the ship was an excellent place to hide. I wonder if our friends are still looking for us? I wonder?
- [laughs]
- Jolt: [laughing] That tickles. It tickles! Stop!
- Red Alert: Jolt will you stand still?
- Optimus Prime: How's the scan going, Red Alert?
- Red Alert: Well I was able to find out that Jolt's brain is a little more complicated in its configuration. That's obvious, of course. Because his body is so small his brain is more complex.
- Lori: That's great, Red Alert. Now I need to hear that in words that I can follow.
- Red Alert: The anyalitical scan shows that his brain is more human than Transformer.
- Vector Prime: [everyone gasps in astonishment] Yes! That could be the reason why Jolt and the others can relate so easily to the children.
- Bud: Wait a minute? Can't you scan Reverb and Six Speed's memories too?
- Scattorshot: Now that wouldn't do us any good, boys. From what they told us; Jolt was the one doing all of the drivin.
- Red Alert: It's going to take me a while to scan him.
- Optimus Prime: Then keep scanning him.
- Metroplex: What happened here? Who on Gigantion could be strong enough to smash Quickmix into the ground like this?
- Optimus Prime: Override, who did this to you?
- Override: Megatron... He's upgraded.
- [passes out]
- Optimus Prime: Override? OVERRIDE!
- Vector Prime: It is no longer safe to keep the team apart like this.
- Optimus Prime: Agreed. I'll call them back immediately.
- Ransack: We're the terrible twosome
- Crumplezone: We're the masters of disaster.
- Ransack: The Barons of Bad
- Crumplezone: The Dukes of Doom
- Ransack, Crumplezone: We're the villains from Velocitron.
- [Jolt Grunting]
- Ransack, Crumplezone: Wait we're not done.
- Ransack, Crumplezone: I'm Crumplezone and this is my partner Ransack. How's that for an entrance?
- Optimus Prime: It stinks.
- Metroplex: If it's a beatdown you're after then I'll be more than happy to oblige.
- [Metroplex goes after Ransack and Crumplezone with his axe. They jump out of the way]
- Ransack: You're too slow there wide load.
- Crumplezone: Bouncy Bouncy. Whoopsie daisy.
- [Ransack and Crumplezone play a game of pass the minicon]
- Jolt: Hey cut it out you guys. I can't fly with this data pack on my back.
- [Jolt screams wildly]
- Ransack: Stop squirmin.
- Optimus Prime: We've got to put a stop to this.
- Ransack: So start shooting tough guy.
- Optimus Prime: Blast! They know we can't shoot back or we'd risk hitting Jolt.
- Bud: What can I do to help them? Oh snap.
- [Over communicator]
- Bud: Coby can you hear me?
- Crumplezone: A friend of yours? I'm sorry, I didn't know.
- Jolt: Wow, Optimus, am I ever glad to see you. Whoah!
- [screams]
- Optimus Prime: Jolt!
- Crumplezone: Whoopsie, he must have slipped.
- Ransack: You'd better go and rescue your friend, big guy.
- Evac: Hey, look who I caught. I ought to go fishing here more often.
- Jolt: Eeew! I need a vacation.
- Ransack: You bored yet?
- Crumplezone: Heck no!
- [Ransack and Crumplezone shoot at the ceiling]
- Crumplezone: Hey, look, the sky is falling.
- Optimus Prime: Sheesh!
- Optimus Prime: Bud, it's good to have you back.
- Bud: Thanks, Big Bot.
- Jolt: [Bowing respectfully] Thank you for rescuing us, Optimus Prime.
- [Sixspeed and Safegaurd run and hug Jolt and Reverb as the Recon Minicon Team is together again]
- Ransack, Crumplezone: Woah! Still too slow, wide load.
- Coby: All right you two. Drop the Minicon.
- Ransack, Crumplezone: Huh? Who's that?
- Coby: It's me!
- Ransack, Crumplezone: Megatron?
- Coby: No, you blockheads. I'm Coby Hanson of Earth.
- Crumplezone: Is that a scrapmetal? I hate those things.
- Ransack: I think the kid is inside.
- Crumplezone: Oh, I didn't know that.
- Coby: Okay, here it goes. Cobybot Transform!
- [Ctransforms the scrapmetal into a robot]
- Coby: Iron Rocky Moutain Ball!
- Crumplezone: What is that?
- Ransack: I don't know?
- [ball splits in half and spills concrete at Ransack and Crumplezone's feet]
- Ransack: Is that all you've got?
- Ransack, Crumplezone: Coby is a weenie! Coby is a weenie! Hey, I can't move.
- Coby: Okay, Optimus. They're all yours.
- Optimus Prime: Coby, what is that stuff?
- Coby: Just some of Quickmix's quick-drying cement. Those two aren't going anywhere.
- Optimus Prime: Nicely done, Coby.
- Vector Prime: Indeed.
- Metroplex: Aye!