"Meet The Family" is an urban comedy that takes place in an African American family's dining room. The Rump family has congregated for dinner in order to meet the eldest son Humphrey's new g... Read all"Meet The Family" is an urban comedy that takes place in an African American family's dining room. The Rump family has congregated for dinner in order to meet the eldest son Humphrey's new girlfriend, Lacy. Humphrey, however, thinks that he is bringing Lacy home to meet only his ... Read all"Meet The Family" is an urban comedy that takes place in an African American family's dining room. The Rump family has congregated for dinner in order to meet the eldest son Humphrey's new girlfriend, Lacy. Humphrey, however, thinks that he is bringing Lacy home to meet only his parents; he has no idea that his siblings, grandparents and other family members and frien... Read all