As Gere's and Dane's characters are in the car chasing after Custis, Custis hurls a garbage can at the windshield. We see from the inside as the windshield becomes a spiderweb of cracks, thus causing Gere to careen into the conveniently located pile of soft garbage nearby. The pair leaps out of the car and the windshield is suddenly repaired.
At the end of the movie, Viola is seen in the trailer with rubber gloves on. Errol then ties her up and takes her in his car to a buried body, where Viola gets out of the rope she's tied with. However, the rubber gloves are now missing; they reappear once more when she is slapped by Allison.
One of the participants in Erroll Babbage's Sex Offender Group is a woman (or a cross-dressing male). She is seen during the scene in the community hall when everyone is sitting in a circle and Babbage is demanding if anyone knows anything about the whereabouts of the missing girl. Male and female sex offenders are always kept segregated in Community Sex Offender Treatment programs.
Erroll is flicking through Vincent Dennison's stuff. He opens a pornography magazine up. When he skips to the next page, exactly the same photo is shown on it.
When Errol puts the plastic tarp back over the corpse in the basement, it is clearly the same shot of him pulling it off, but in reverse.
Harriet Wells has been kidnapped for a enough time to have hairy armpits. However, in every scene of her tied in bed, she looks dirty and even bloody but her armpits appear perfectly shaved.
Babbage calls a cell phone that is associated with Custis. It is shown to be adjacent to the kidnapped Harriet. The second time he calls the male answering reveals his knowledge about the paper left at the diner. In 2006, cell phone locations could be triangulated, so the suspect's location could have been determined and Harriet rescued.
The damage to Babbage's car was not disabling. He could have gotten back in and continued pursuing the suspect from the alley.
When Erroll is listening to the radio report about Harriet's disappearance and her mother is begging for her return, the radio announcer says she is 17 years old. Later, when Erroll is looking at the newspaper with Harriet's picture on the front page, the photo caption says she is 19.