1 review
This masterpiece Bate Čengića, is the best indicator of how they were recorded movies and masterpieces filmed in Yugoslavia. With a superb cast and a great story, this TV movie is one of the greatest treasures to Sarajevo TV and in the best TV movies ever produced in the former Yugoslavia. With great feeling of space, with a phenomenal camera, the film and that he had such a good story, it would still be good because it is masterfully directed and filmed. Great staff, great choice of actors, only contributed more to this film which is based on the true story of Our Lady of Holy fingering in this small town in the 80's of the 20th century, gain more weight. I think as time goes on, these masterpieces and great injustice if you bit forgotten, must get rightful value and place where belong. Because regardless of the technical possibilities offered by today's time, today there is neither directors nor the actors who would put forward such a project, and the technique which can then filming this movie is even more contributed to the quality of the film, so that this and many other films from that era must get their rehabilitation, because today we don't have possibilities to watch masterpiece like this movie and many others must not be forgotten.