Ioan Gruffudd credited as playing...
Mr. Fantastic • Reed Richards
- General Hager: [to Reed] Let me make this clear for you and your pack of freaks. I'm the quarterback, you're on my team. But I guess you didn't play football in high school, did you, Richards?
- [Hager starts to walk away]
- Reed Richards: You're right. I didn't. I stayed in and studied like a good little nerd. And fifteen years later, I'm one of the greatest minds of the 21st century. I'm engaged to the hottest girl on the planet. And the big jock who played football in high school, he standing right in front of me asking me for my help, and I say he's not going to get a damn thing, unless he does exactly what I say and starts treating me and my friends with some respect.
- General Hager: [understandingly] Give him what he wants.
- [Hagar walks away]
- Susan Storm: [to Reed] I'm so hot for you right now.
- Johnny Storm: [hugging Reed and switching powers] Me, too!
- Reed Richards: Your encounter with the Surfer has affected your molecules. They're... in a constant state of flux.
- Johnny Storm: Is that bad?
- Reed Richards: Well, it caused you to temporarily switch powers with Sue. Ideally, I'd like to run some more tests.
- Ben Grimm: [walks toward Johnny] Would you like a volunteer?
- Reed Richards, Susan Storm: No, no, no!
- Johnny Storm: No, no! Hey! This is serious.
- Ben Grimm: I just wanted to give him a hug.
- Susan Storm: We don't know the extent of his condition yet.
- Reed Richards: It could be progressive. It could be degenerative.
- Ben Grimm: It could be fun!
- [Ben touches Johnny and their powers switch]
- Reed Richards: No, Ben!
- Susan Storm: Ben!
- Ben Grimm: Whoa! Hey! Hey, it's me. I'm back!
- Johnny Storm: [looks at his reflection from the bottom of a silver pitcher and sees he's become The Thing] Oh, my God! Come on! We just said this is serious!
- Ben Grimm: Oh, yeah, serious.
- Johnny Storm: [looks back at his reflection] Oh, you got to be kidding me!
- Johnny Storm: I could catch him, but he's too strong for me.
- Ben Grimm: I could whale on him, but he'd see me from a mile away.
- Reed Richards: It would take all four of us.
- Johnny Storm: Or maybe one of us.
- Reed Richards: We don't know what that would do to you!
- Johnny Storm: Let's not make this about me.
- Reed Richards: [the Silver Surfer's in the distance] Johnny!
- Johnny Storm: [touching his tux] But this is Dolce.
- Reed Richards: [to Sue after she switches powers with Johnny] You're on fire!
- Susan Storm: [shrieking] You think?
- Ben Grimm: [gets smashed into the wall by a large concrete slab] OK. That one hurt.
- Susan Storm: Where's Reed?
- Reed Richards: [muffled voice] Back here!
- Ben Grimm: [Ben steps out from the wall to reveal a flattened Reed] My bad.
- Johnny Storm: Are you building that thing?
- Reed Richards: No, it...
- Johnny Storm: [chuckles] If Sue finds out, you're gonna get an invisible kick in the nuts.
- [trying to escape from the Army compound with the Silver Surfer, the Fantastic Four are confronted by Captain Raye]
- Captain Frankie Raye: [pointing her gun at Reed] What's going on here? Where is General Hager?
- Reed Richards: He's dead.
- Ben Grimm: And if we don't get outta here soon... we're all gonna be.
- Johnny Storm: [steps forward, a look of pleading on his face] Frankie...
- [Captain Raye turns slightly and points her gun at Johnny]
- Johnny Storm: The world is literally at stake. You have to trust us... please.
- [Captain Raye stares at Johnny a few seconds, then takes her finger off the trigger of her gun]
- [from trailer]
- Susan Storm: I understand. I'm not angry.
- Reed Richards: Good.
- [turns around starts to walk away. Steps into an invisible force field]
- Susan Storm: I'm not finished yet!
- Reed Richards: [turns around, speech is muffled by the force field] Please continue.
- Reed Richards: Look, about what you saw back at the bar... .
- Susan Storm: Don't worry about it. l know you. l'm glad you had fun.
- Reed Richards: Thank you.
- Susan Storm: Besides, it was nothing compared to what l did at my bachelorette party. Talk about wild.
- Reed Richards: Wild?
- Susan Storm: Guys, we have a problem! He's here!
- Reed Richards: Sue, get out of there!
- Susan Storm: Why are you trying to destroy us?
- The Silver Surfer: I have no choice.
- Susan Storm: There's always a choice.
- The Silver Surfer: Not always!
- Reed Richards: General Hager.
- General Hager: Let's talk somewhere private.
- Susan Storm: Unless you need to do Jell-O shots off someone's stomach.
- Victor von Doom: Now, let's be clear about this, shall we? I hate you.
- [looks pointedly at Sue Storm]
- Victor von Doom: All of you. But the world's at stake and we need to work together to survive.
- Reed Richards: [to Hager] General, we know firsthand - you trust Victor and you're gonna regret it.
- General Hager: So far, the only one I've regretted trusting here is you, Richards.
- Reed Richards: [to Sue] Unbelievable. Bizarre anomalies are occurring all over the world, defying every law of physics, and all the media care about is what china pattern we picked.
- Ben Grimm: What did you pick? The blue ones with them little flowers? l like them.
- Reed Richards: A bachelor party could be fun.
- Johnny Storm: Yes!
- Reed Richards: But no exotic dancers.
- Reed Richards: This will be the wedding you dreamed of. l won't let anything get in the way. Not even the mysterious transformation of matter at the subatomic level.
- Susan Storm: That's the most romantic thing you've ever said to me.
- Reed Richards: Hey, Johnny. Keep it quiet, but l've cross-referenced and analyzed the global disturbances. They're being caused by cosmic radiation, not unlike the kind which gave us our powers.
- Johnny Storm: Wow, that's - really boring.
- Reed Richards: When the universe began, it was no bigger than a marble. And then, bang! lt exploded. And in a trillionth of a second it expanded exponentially into what became the universe we know today.
- Hot Party Girl #1: Wow, you're really smart.
- Reed Richards: Thanks, Candy. That means a lot to me.
- Susan Storm: What about the craters?
- Reed Richards: They're appearing in a numerical sequence. The last crater was formed in Greenland, so...