Dexter Tucker, brother of Chris Tucker, appears in "Lynch Mob" as do Chris and Dexter's uncles who prominently feature as the black biker gang who roars into the redneck, cannibal town.
Tracy Page, one of the location scouts for "Lynch Mob" is the cousin of actress Kate Bosworth (Lois Lane in Superman Returns (2006)). Two of Tracey's daughters had roles in the "Lynch Mob".
The original working title for Lynch Mob was "Fresh Meat". That was until executive producers John J. Cornetta and Scott Stamper found out that the title had already been done as an Adult Film by production company Evil Angel.
A volunteer who was cooking for the cast and crew set her kitchen on fire cooking meatloaves. Three firetrucks later, the emergency was over, the oven door had blown off and five charred loaves lay dead on the kitchen floor. Needless to say, pizza was served on set that night and the meatloaves were given a proper burial.
Tony Darrow was injured on set during filming and insisted that the cameras be kept rolling and his actual blood be used in the film for realism.