(About 11 minutes in) The US Sixth Fleet operates in Europe (mostly the Mediterranean), but never the Pacific.
Incorrect procedure: When the six passengers put on their life jackets they all inflated them immediately. If you inflate the life jacket before you leave the plane it will pin you to the ceiling with the rising water making it extremely difficult if not impossible to get out.
Walker tells Delaney to take the "dog watch," after which it's supposed to be light. The dog watch happens between 4 and 8 p.m. not in the early morning.
For safety reasons, commercial airlines only fly airplanes with at least 3 engines over an ocean. It is highly unlikely the U.S. Air Force would fly a two-engine airliner over an ocean; especially one carrying the Vice President.
It shows the jet liner sinking so quickly that they are still on board when it is clearly more than twice its length under water - the equivalent of well over two hundred feet. At this depth, the pressure would have made it impossible to breathe for an untrained person without scuba equipment with death following in seconds. Even for those with such equipment, 130 feet is usually considered the maximum without the added risk of "the bends".
When the plane crashes into the sea with enough force to rip the engines from the wings, the cards still do not slide off the table, even as the water rushes in the cards are still there.
In the opening scenes in the aircraft, despite the apparent turbulence affecting the passengers, the cards and glasses do not slide around on the polished wood table, although the liquid in the glasses do slop around slightly.