36 reviews
I had the misfortune of having only one English language channel at my Croatian hotel. It was either another game of rummy with my wife or a reality show I hadn't seen before. Flavor of Love is a cynical, contrived and utterly useless show. Anyone with half a brain (obviously not their target audience) can see that the scenarios are faked, scripted and unreal. One show has a contestant serving Flavor Flav a raw chicken with vegetables stuffed out of its orifices and feigning innocence and ignorance. This show is an insult to Americans and women. I watched this on MTV Europe as were millions of other Europeans. The message we received was that Americans are insincere, vulgar, materialistic and phony among other things. Where is the pride of the contestants ? They made American women look shallow and willing to do anything in the pursuit of celebrity. Seemingly, their ten seconds of fame is worth the indignity of parading around like gold digging sluts.
Flavor of Love is a show starring Public Enemy's most recognizable member, Flavor Flav, as he try's to find a girl that he can settle down with and have a relationship. But it's pretty obvious to anyone who has seen the show, that it is really about 20 women or so, who jump on flav like he's the sexiest thing on earth and make love to him. All the drama on this show is funny, but you have to question if most of the girls are just in it for the attention. If your looking for an award winning show with excellent plot lines and amazing breakthroughs...turn the channel because you aren't going to find that here. If your looking for a show where someone will spit in a girls face, or even take a dump on the floor, this show is for you. Through and through it is still a very entertaining show, and I recommend it to anyone who just wants to see something funny on television.
- hockeyguy55_1
- Aug 10, 2006
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- lambiepie-2
- Sep 8, 2006
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This honestly is the worst show I have ever seen on TV. Ever. And I watch a lot of TV. It basically deals with a bunch of trashy, low class and obscenely crass women competing for the "love" of washed up rapper Flava Flav. I hope most people watch it for its unintentional or even intentional comedic value, but even that is disgusting, as I wish it wouldn't even get those ratings. All the actions and everything else seems to be scripted out an stereotyped. They most likely consciously play into their stereotypes to make the show more interesting. Even the names are trashy. Hoopz? Come on, seriously. This is bad, even for VH1. I challenge anyone to not watch this show, even to laugh at it, so it can get put off the air and Flava Flav will lose his money again and be even more washed up. What a horrible show.
Flavor of love is a type of show that makes one want to turn away only to peek at what is going on. Flavor of love is shamelessly entertaining and a guilty pleasure.
The premise is similar to the bachelor, though in this case it is in a jerry springer-like laughable atmosphere at full pelt. Where women are throwing punches, insults, tearing out weaves and using awful vocabulary that would make English teachers everywhere cringe.
In the eye of this hurricane is oddball, eccentric, clock wearing fossil "rapper" Flava Flav out to find a 'paramour' to add to the notches on his bed post with a tribe of raunchy, meretricious women from the section-8 housing projects and the holly-wood and vine corner vying for the flava flav's swarthy affection.
Just like with all reality shows (despite Flav's protests) FoL is fabricated and it is just for "T.V".
The premise is similar to the bachelor, though in this case it is in a jerry springer-like laughable atmosphere at full pelt. Where women are throwing punches, insults, tearing out weaves and using awful vocabulary that would make English teachers everywhere cringe.
In the eye of this hurricane is oddball, eccentric, clock wearing fossil "rapper" Flava Flav out to find a 'paramour' to add to the notches on his bed post with a tribe of raunchy, meretricious women from the section-8 housing projects and the holly-wood and vine corner vying for the flava flav's swarthy affection.
Just like with all reality shows (despite Flav's protests) FoL is fabricated and it is just for "T.V".
Sugar and spice and everything nice, that's what little girls WERE made of. Sex and dice and cold as ice that's what today's girls are made of. She's perhaps the most hated Black woman in the history of reality TV.
But the recently ousted stars tell what really happened during exclusive interviews with DC Livers. In fact, Larissa "Bootz" Hodge Aurora says Mo'Nique was jealous of her, Shay is not her friend and the world hates her because she's pretty in this exclusive audio interview with Black Press Radio.com.
To listen to the pod casts visit BlackPressRadio dot com. To read the articles visit BlackPressMagazine dot com.
But the recently ousted stars tell what really happened during exclusive interviews with DC Livers. In fact, Larissa "Bootz" Hodge Aurora says Mo'Nique was jealous of her, Shay is not her friend and the world hates her because she's pretty in this exclusive audio interview with Black Press Radio.com.
To listen to the pod casts visit BlackPressRadio dot com. To read the articles visit BlackPressMagazine dot com.
- blackpressradio
- Jun 17, 2007
- Permalink
To even the score I jumped from D.O.G. - THE BOUNTY HUNTER" right here. I enter another room in the same mental cellar. Flavor, what makes you tick these days, it's not your clock. Your clock is gone. To quote the German band Die Sterne": Was hat Dich bloss so ruiniert?" (="What has only just brought you that low?").
Man, your PE-records were like lead on my turntable; in the late 80s, early 90s I couldn't turn them off! And now? You used to be one major influence on my political education, and now ... (sorry, it'll get ugly now but you asked for it) you abandoned all self-esteem and present yourself as the "brainless bimbo", that all the white racist-pigs tend to see in your skin; are you fraggin' out of your mind? That the show is probably a fake doesn't make it any better, rather worse.
You wanna get laid... Okay you wanna get laid, get the gal-reel served on a silver plate and also get paid for it if possible. I can relate to that... somehow. But does the whole world gotta know and watch? Okay I admit: that's their idiotic decision. But you didn't spend all your millions to survive on such a lobotomized format, did you? Do you suffer of a profile-neurosis? Well, I probably do, for writing a comment on such a brainless show and hope, it might bring you back to the Mic. Poor riddle me...
Your sound was a vision, your records my gyro, you aborted the mission, now you're channel zero!
By the way, you got a colored POTUS lately, you noticed? Mission accomplished and ... oh great, you're still in bed.
Man, your PE-records were like lead on my turntable; in the late 80s, early 90s I couldn't turn them off! And now? You used to be one major influence on my political education, and now ... (sorry, it'll get ugly now but you asked for it) you abandoned all self-esteem and present yourself as the "brainless bimbo", that all the white racist-pigs tend to see in your skin; are you fraggin' out of your mind? That the show is probably a fake doesn't make it any better, rather worse.
You wanna get laid... Okay you wanna get laid, get the gal-reel served on a silver plate and also get paid for it if possible. I can relate to that... somehow. But does the whole world gotta know and watch? Okay I admit: that's their idiotic decision. But you didn't spend all your millions to survive on such a lobotomized format, did you? Do you suffer of a profile-neurosis? Well, I probably do, for writing a comment on such a brainless show and hope, it might bring you back to the Mic. Poor riddle me...
Your sound was a vision, your records my gyro, you aborted the mission, now you're channel zero!
By the way, you got a colored POTUS lately, you noticed? Mission accomplished and ... oh great, you're still in bed.
The show was funny with a few moments of real excitement, some pretty hot girls, and one of the most original guys I've ever seen on TV. Although the show was about a rapper it didn't go to far with the rap (I mean it didn't try to shove the rap down our throats) Although the show contained an interracial cast it didn't go overboard trying make some statement about race. For me it was comparable to The Osbournes meet the dating game. An aging Rock star thats obviously done his fair share of drugs looking for Mrs. Right or even Mrs. tonight. Surprisingly some of the plot was really eye opening, like who wouldve figured that the day would come when a houseful of somewhat intelligent women couldn't fry a chicken between them. I mean what simple housewife from the Bradys to the 80's couldn't fry chicken? The part that to me that was overlooked but that spoke volumes was when they got set up to baby sit the kids at the park. Besides Hoops every single 1 of them went in those ridiculous high heels (a stripper could barely walk in) with there breast hanging out or pressed up "till they were popping out the tops of they're turtlenecks" and skirts so short or revealing they wouldve made a sailor blush. They were led to believe they were going to meet some of Flavs friends...Hoops went in a nice normal T-shirt, I think she had a skirt on to but out of all the rest it seemed like she was the only one who had just got dressed and got in the car. The rest of them looked and felt very uncomfortable around the kids. I know thats the way a lot of decent women are dressing and have been dressing since the Flappers way back in the roaring 20's and probably even before then but to me its kinda like the joke Dave Chappelle said "you might not be a prostitute but your wearing a prostitutes uniform."
The show was good and did a darn good job of pointing out in a fun way a lot of stuff thats going on that we don't normally talk about or even consciously take notice of. The shows about Flav and how hes looking for someone thatll really love him as he is and that has what hes looking for in a woman. I think that someone is New York; without all the drama (which I do enjoy) its pretty obvious. Although that being said I think Red Oyster or Hoops are both right up there. Though neither show the passion or interest in Flav that New York does. Sometimes watching the show I wonder how different is Flavs situation from Donald Trumps or half of Hollywood's for that matter or even yours or mine? Whos 100% sincere 100% of the time? I think everybody has some angle or reason they show interest in you. If a woman likes a guys car and laughs at his stupid jokes and eventually ends up getting with said guy is that so wrong? If I like a girl strictly because shes a good cook and I never tell her that or your with somebody only because they're a fireman or a doctor or they know a lot about movies or they're a great dancer or they're a great poker player... I don't think its the end of the world. I bet some really good relationships began with a lot less. Anyways if you get a chance watch the show dang it, its pretty good.
The show was good and did a darn good job of pointing out in a fun way a lot of stuff thats going on that we don't normally talk about or even consciously take notice of. The shows about Flav and how hes looking for someone thatll really love him as he is and that has what hes looking for in a woman. I think that someone is New York; without all the drama (which I do enjoy) its pretty obvious. Although that being said I think Red Oyster or Hoops are both right up there. Though neither show the passion or interest in Flav that New York does. Sometimes watching the show I wonder how different is Flavs situation from Donald Trumps or half of Hollywood's for that matter or even yours or mine? Whos 100% sincere 100% of the time? I think everybody has some angle or reason they show interest in you. If a woman likes a guys car and laughs at his stupid jokes and eventually ends up getting with said guy is that so wrong? If I like a girl strictly because shes a good cook and I never tell her that or your with somebody only because they're a fireman or a doctor or they know a lot about movies or they're a great dancer or they're a great poker player... I don't think its the end of the world. I bet some really good relationships began with a lot less. Anyways if you get a chance watch the show dang it, its pretty good.
- ultrajoker69
- Aug 4, 2006
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I was really starting to like "FLAVOR FLAV". I like the show, but putting that person "NEW YORK" back on the show was a bad move. I'm with "HOOPZ" and "PUMPKIN," "NEW YORK" does look like she was born a man! I also did't think it was fair to "BEAUTIFUL,""BUCKWILD,""BOOTZ," "KRAZY," "DELISHUS,""BUCKEY,""GOLDIE,""LIKE DAT," and ALL the other women and oh, that "NIBBLEZ," too. "FLAVOR FLAV" is old enough to have a real woman it's a time to be 'aggressive' and a time to not be 'aggressive' and I don't think "BEAUTIFUL" picked a bad time. Those women who were arguing weren't being aggressive they were being immature. They were making a fool of themselves on t.v. I'm in suspense for sure. "FLAVOR FLAV" should just be honest if he wants "NEW YORK" why string the others along? "NEW YORK" is the most fake my 3 daughters agree with me. Vivian my house guest agrees too and she's a faithful viewer.
Thanks for accepting my comments!
Thanks for accepting my comments!
- ginalynnsingh
- Sep 9, 2006
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i thought this show was awful cause new york didn't win and she was the one who went back for flavor the second time when she could of had someone else her mom was right she was the only one who really loved flavor not that dumb face ugly girl he chose gross what a fat hag gross new york is way hotter and sexier she is way more than the other girl flavor you made a bad choice you just better hope new yorks mom don't come after you but i hope she does just playing but why didn't you pick new york she is all you need telling you the truth she really loved you and you made her go home again after again sad but i guess thats you and whats up with the grills at the end i think its cute but i still think new york should of been wearing them
- imlovinme123
- Oct 14, 2006
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I think this show just proves once again, VH1 is destined to do whatever they can to make rap music look bad, especially for white people (who are their main audience). Usually, a show like "the bachelor" which this is, is centered around a guy who is rich, or good-looking, or famous in recent memory. Though I got the utmost respect for Public Enemy, Flavor Flav is none of the above that I can think of, and isn't one of the first guys anyone thinks of for being the guy on this kind of show that a bunch of women want to get with. (^u^)
On the other hand, it looks like all the contestants on the show are either people already in the entertainment industry who are just doing the show for exposure, and all the rest are hookers & strippers.
What I can say so far of what I notice pretty clearly:
-Though Smiley is one of the best-looking women on the show (at least from the waist-up anyway), you already know she isn't serious about even winning this event to really be involved with Flav. Remember the episode when they were all in the car about to go play with the kids in the park? When Flav said he wants 4 more kids before he dies, her face just CHANGED into a state of shock! She did NOT want to be there after he said that, and it was funny as hell! That added with the fact she is a personality on WWE or whatever it is, you already know she wouldn't be trying to really be with Flav even if she won. She's just wasting the show's time by being there. If Flav does all this for this show, he should at least end up with a girl who would actually be his woman and want what he wants.
-Looking at the end of the episode when that one chick made that nasty-ass chicken, I looked at how Flav greeted the women he kept. When he gave Red Oyster her clock, they hugged and he was slappin and grabbin on that booty. Makes me wonder if she's screwing him behind closed doors away from the camera in those private meetings when she's telling him secrets about everyone else on the show - from the way they greeted each other, it looks obviously like that's what's been going on and could be a reason why they seem closer than some of the others. (I still like how she dissed hottie about "don't make it about you bitch" even though it was bold as hell to do that - hahaha!, then again, hottie isn't the type to fight back so i guess..)
-New York is unstable and crazy. she is probably one of the serious people on the show about being with him for real, but too insane to make the investment being with. like is said before, 2 types of people on this show: people in entertainment just trying to get exposure, and hookers & strippers. guess which one she probably is? (haha) she's probably screwing him behind closed doors too which is why she made it so far on the show.
When it's all said and done, it would be cool if Goldie ended up winning the whole thing. She's the only girl that appears to be normal, and not an entertainer or a professional hoe.
(Hoopz is probably the other that is normal like Goldie is, but she really should raise her standards and get off the show, cause I don't believe her wasting herself on Flavor Flav. He's more into the dirty whores, which is why he kept Hottie with the big jugs after she made that nasty chicken but eliminated the other girl who was being for real)
On the other hand, it looks like all the contestants on the show are either people already in the entertainment industry who are just doing the show for exposure, and all the rest are hookers & strippers.
What I can say so far of what I notice pretty clearly:
-Though Smiley is one of the best-looking women on the show (at least from the waist-up anyway), you already know she isn't serious about even winning this event to really be involved with Flav. Remember the episode when they were all in the car about to go play with the kids in the park? When Flav said he wants 4 more kids before he dies, her face just CHANGED into a state of shock! She did NOT want to be there after he said that, and it was funny as hell! That added with the fact she is a personality on WWE or whatever it is, you already know she wouldn't be trying to really be with Flav even if she won. She's just wasting the show's time by being there. If Flav does all this for this show, he should at least end up with a girl who would actually be his woman and want what he wants.
-Looking at the end of the episode when that one chick made that nasty-ass chicken, I looked at how Flav greeted the women he kept. When he gave Red Oyster her clock, they hugged and he was slappin and grabbin on that booty. Makes me wonder if she's screwing him behind closed doors away from the camera in those private meetings when she's telling him secrets about everyone else on the show - from the way they greeted each other, it looks obviously like that's what's been going on and could be a reason why they seem closer than some of the others. (I still like how she dissed hottie about "don't make it about you bitch" even though it was bold as hell to do that - hahaha!, then again, hottie isn't the type to fight back so i guess..)
-New York is unstable and crazy. she is probably one of the serious people on the show about being with him for real, but too insane to make the investment being with. like is said before, 2 types of people on this show: people in entertainment just trying to get exposure, and hookers & strippers. guess which one she probably is? (haha) she's probably screwing him behind closed doors too which is why she made it so far on the show.
When it's all said and done, it would be cool if Goldie ended up winning the whole thing. She's the only girl that appears to be normal, and not an entertainer or a professional hoe.
(Hoopz is probably the other that is normal like Goldie is, but she really should raise her standards and get off the show, cause I don't believe her wasting herself on Flavor Flav. He's more into the dirty whores, which is why he kept Hottie with the big jugs after she made that nasty chicken but eliminated the other girl who was being for real)
- blacklotus217
- Jan 28, 2006
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- ThunderKing6
- Feb 5, 2020
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It was entertaining, hip, funny & at times even exciting. Even while the tempers were flaring it was still a fun show. When some of the girls were disingenuous Flav proved 1 monkey don't stop the show. It was reminiscent of simpler times when everything on TV wasn't so strictly formulated & shows like Love Connection were a hit (& the couples young or old dint always hit it off). Flavor is a Hip-Hop icon, & even if you didn't grow up on his music, hes still 1 of the coolest guys thats ever been on VH1. If you never heard Flav back in 1986 or 87, or you weren't around yet, or (worst case scenario) basically were still listening to Debbie Gibson or New kids On The Block... Listening to his songs now like "911 Is A Joke" "Fight the Power" or "Cold Lampin With Flavor" would barely begin to even give you a little insight into how fresh he was, but you'll never really know or understand how hot or dope lines like "Flavor Flav, the flav of all flavors, onion & garlic, french fried potatos" really were back in the day. (Hoping I can still quote that right without having to Google it or break out the cassette tapes.) At a time when White people or Caucasians,from Friday Night Videos(the big video show on Network TV) to MTV wouldn't even play Rap or Black music. At a time when Michael Jackson had to break all of the Beatles & Elvis old record sales records; to earn the right to be the first Black even allowed on MTV (& MTV/vh1 were cable channels that back then even a lot of the MIDDLE-CLASS Blacks, & Mexicans & Filipinos etc didn't have.) Lyrics actually mattered back then, Hip-Hop was still an art form young Black males exclusively used to communicate exclusively with other Black males around the country. Before Eminem, and 8 Mile, million dollar videos, Cristal, & hip-hop-hos, or whatever derogatory stigmatism they want to attach to Hip-Hop or "CALL" Hip-Hop. Flavor Flav was writing stuff that was blowing our minds, educating & empowering a whole generation. (I can remember the Africa medallions he had everybody rocking; & running to Walden Books or the library after school to actually learn about Black/Pan-African culture. Cause it was cool, & that was HIP-HOP.) From 50 Cents to Nelly to Will Smith to Queen Latifah to Spike Lee anybody that was there would agree Flav was our Bill O Riley, our Red Hot Chili Peppers, our Beatles, our Bono, all rolled into 1.
Just for the record. Back then being a female in Hip-Hop was respectable & the B-Girls/ladys got they're respect, (without shaking what they're Momma gave them or backing anything up, although they did have they're sexier dances they were usually just more feminine versions of the same dances the guys were doing.) From Mc Lyte, to Roxanne Shante, Monie Love, Lady Antoinette, Yo-Yo & IBWC to Conscious Daughters or Isis etc. The girls back then would be pretty or even sexy but they were completely covered up in clothes almost just like dudes, but flyer. & any guy that wanted to be with them was in for a tough time...they were real Hip-Hop & that meant they were smart/quick witted & that if you wanted a chance with them you had to "chase them" or "sweat them" (no matter how rich or how POOR they were) almost how Desi had to respect & romance Lucille Ball; or how the Emily Post book of etiquette wouldve written the rules of courtship. They weren't hoochies groupies or materialistic designer wearing air heads. Times have changed & the teens now & people that don't understand Hip-Hop or that jut got into it the last few 6 or 7 years think that Lil Kim & the like define what a woman in Hip-Hop should be. They don't get that no matter how cool she seems or how big her personality is shes just herself & she doesn't represent what a woman in Hip-HOP is, should be, or has been. (Although I do like Lil Kim, Trina, & the like) I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for my B-Girls, smarter than your average university coed, sharper in her world politics & history than your local anchor woman, yet cooler than your average rapper... I wish that Flav had a B-girl on the show like Erykah Badu or Missy Elliot. Thats who the worlds illest B-Boy really needs.
Now that being said I think some people are taking Reality TV too serious, its just a TV show. & as with anybody else on TV from the witness of a car accident to your local weatherman. Who isn't on TV ultimately to get something out of it? (Even if its just to get they're point across.) People keep naming all of these other places they've seen Flavs contestants on before, but basically who cares? If they tried to get on the WWE who cares,if they were on Next oh well,if they're not virgins lol so what... I wouldn't care if my local weatherman had been on Seinfield or even that the Governor of Minnesota had been on the WWF... Arnold Schwarzenegger the Governor of California was on the Dating Game trying to get famous before he was famous! I mean Flav was right in trying to get rid of the girls who were ONLY on the show to advance they're careers & really weren't interested in him. But just as a fan of the show what difference would any of this make to me? To me that's REAL REALITY TV right there.This whole debacle only made the show that much realer to me. I myself liked Red Oyster & was hoping she would win although I have to admit Pumpkin was probably the hottest.
Just for the record. Back then being a female in Hip-Hop was respectable & the B-Girls/ladys got they're respect, (without shaking what they're Momma gave them or backing anything up, although they did have they're sexier dances they were usually just more feminine versions of the same dances the guys were doing.) From Mc Lyte, to Roxanne Shante, Monie Love, Lady Antoinette, Yo-Yo & IBWC to Conscious Daughters or Isis etc. The girls back then would be pretty or even sexy but they were completely covered up in clothes almost just like dudes, but flyer. & any guy that wanted to be with them was in for a tough time...they were real Hip-Hop & that meant they were smart/quick witted & that if you wanted a chance with them you had to "chase them" or "sweat them" (no matter how rich or how POOR they were) almost how Desi had to respect & romance Lucille Ball; or how the Emily Post book of etiquette wouldve written the rules of courtship. They weren't hoochies groupies or materialistic designer wearing air heads. Times have changed & the teens now & people that don't understand Hip-Hop or that jut got into it the last few 6 or 7 years think that Lil Kim & the like define what a woman in Hip-Hop should be. They don't get that no matter how cool she seems or how big her personality is shes just herself & she doesn't represent what a woman in Hip-HOP is, should be, or has been. (Although I do like Lil Kim, Trina, & the like) I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for my B-Girls, smarter than your average university coed, sharper in her world politics & history than your local anchor woman, yet cooler than your average rapper... I wish that Flav had a B-girl on the show like Erykah Badu or Missy Elliot. Thats who the worlds illest B-Boy really needs.
Now that being said I think some people are taking Reality TV too serious, its just a TV show. & as with anybody else on TV from the witness of a car accident to your local weatherman. Who isn't on TV ultimately to get something out of it? (Even if its just to get they're point across.) People keep naming all of these other places they've seen Flavs contestants on before, but basically who cares? If they tried to get on the WWE who cares,if they were on Next oh well,if they're not virgins lol so what... I wouldn't care if my local weatherman had been on Seinfield or even that the Governor of Minnesota had been on the WWF... Arnold Schwarzenegger the Governor of California was on the Dating Game trying to get famous before he was famous! I mean Flav was right in trying to get rid of the girls who were ONLY on the show to advance they're careers & really weren't interested in him. But just as a fan of the show what difference would any of this make to me? To me that's REAL REALITY TV right there.This whole debacle only made the show that much realer to me. I myself liked Red Oyster & was hoping she would win although I have to admit Pumpkin was probably the hottest.
- coldcrushd
- Jul 31, 2006
- Permalink
the show is addictive. but i just want to comment on hoopz. everybody loves hoopz and goldie. i, personally had felt like they were the two that were the realest, coolest and down to earth. i was glad that hoopz got picked. but after the show, hoopz started getting all these offers for music videos and movies, so she suggested that her and flav go their separate ways and just be friends- which defeats the purpose of her being on his show. i thought hoopz was on there for flav, but it turned out that she was on there for exposure. he should have picked new york. i don't like new york, but she is genuine about her feelings for flav...and that's what he needs.
- vennessajones
- Sep 16, 2006
- Permalink
Flavor Flav is one of the most unattractive men in the universe. To see all those beautiful women fawning over him and pretending to be interested in him made my stomach turn. It might have been interesting if there was any sense that it just might be real, but it is obvious that no woman like that would be interested in him, even if he is rich and talented. Also, if he was really looking for someone to love him, this would be the worst possible way to do it. He may be ugly, but Flav is not stupid, and it was obvious that he didn't take any of it seriously the whole time. The whole thing is idiotic beyond belief, and anyone who watches this for any other reason than to see just how stupid and fake TV can get should be ashamed of themselves.
This show is "The Bachelor" pimped out with gold teeth, Fifth Wheel losers, strippers, aspiring actors and internet pornography amateurs. This particular Bachelor is an old, washed up, insane individual who likes fried chicken and inventing words that would make an English professor cringe.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the greatest reality television show ever made.
There have been some discrepancies over how genuine this show is, and my answer to that debate is: who cares!? It's amazing. The cast is (as an understatement) colorful and the protagonist offers commentary that cannot be missed. The show seems more geared to having the women spit profanities (amongst other things) and throw punches than to find Flava Flav a soulmate.
If you're an intellectual accidentally stumbling across VH1 at 10 PM on a Sunday evening, you'll enjoy it for irony's sake. If you're like the rest of us, however, large women defecating on floors or dinners consisting of microwave-nuked still-raw chicken will appeal immensely.
Emily's Rating: 10 out of 10. Flava flav!
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the greatest reality television show ever made.
There have been some discrepancies over how genuine this show is, and my answer to that debate is: who cares!? It's amazing. The cast is (as an understatement) colorful and the protagonist offers commentary that cannot be missed. The show seems more geared to having the women spit profanities (amongst other things) and throw punches than to find Flava Flav a soulmate.
If you're an intellectual accidentally stumbling across VH1 at 10 PM on a Sunday evening, you'll enjoy it for irony's sake. If you're like the rest of us, however, large women defecating on floors or dinners consisting of microwave-nuked still-raw chicken will appeal immensely.
Emily's Rating: 10 out of 10. Flava flav!
I could not believe my eyes and ears when the woman used the bathroom on Flav's marble floor. If I were her I would never appear on TV again in my life. She sure does have a lot of nerve if she continues on the show I would be so embarrassed that I would never show my face again. She must didn't have on any drawers? That was the most funniest, disgusting show I have ever seen, except for the time Pumpkin spit on New York. Yes, I thought that NY was a little crazy but one thing about her is she did very much care for Flav. Also, that woman who beat up the white girl she was definitely a piece of work. She was praying to Jesus, but I think she was really a devil worshiper.
- christinalouiseshort
- Aug 7, 2006
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- labmonkey76
- Oct 21, 2006
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I just bought season 1 and 2 of the unrated DVD version. This show is hilarious, and what a great way to waste a day, watching all the episodes. I am not much of a fan of reality TV. But this one is the mother of all the reality TV programs. You just could not come up with a scripted program that would be this good. Watch one of the most unattractive, over the top entertainers ever, try to pick from 20 women, all claiming to be his love match! The TV show is excellent. The DVD is perfect! I hope they have a Flava of Love 3. I would buy that in advance! Flav plays a clown on the show, an extension of his Public Enemy persona. However the surprising thing is just how intelligent he really is. There are moments when he appears wise and insightful with some of the comments that he makes. Then he does something to make you forget that he has a brain at all. What a fantastic roller coaster ride. And the ladies. You either love them or hate them. Its also nice to see the ladies interact with each other from a multi-race and cultured background. His show shows how much we have melted (as in melting pot) in America. Just 10 years ago, this show would have caused a national riot; what with White Woman, many of them blond haired and blue eyes seeking publicly to date a way out there black man. I recall less than 10 years ago when Jamie Lee Curtis was on the cover of "TV Guide" with her legs wrapped around a Black football player, it caused a major, major disturbance. Now we have a TV show with white women being sexually provocative with a black man and it's one of the the highest rated shows on TV? Thats progress folks!
I am so happy that Dee won. New York is bipolar. She is her mother in training. I don't believe Flav and Dee will make it down the isle, but at least he showed that he knows a classy lady when he sees one. Also, the fact that they both are parents, makes for a really good relationship. I've seen some of Dee's photos and she is so pretty. I don't know if she should show them to her daughter, but my two teen-aged sons seem to like them a lot. Anyway, New York knew she couldn't hold a candle to Deelishis. That's why she started freaking out on the boat. When a man jumps off a boat to get away from you, you know there's trouble ahead. In conclusion, I hope that Flav has found a really good friend in Dee, if nothing else. Good for you Flav.
- robslisa123
- Oct 17, 2006
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This dating show seems to have accepted all the girls that were rejected from The Bachelor for being too trashy or just not that hot. It's amazing to think that they could find 12 women willing to pretend to be romantically interested in Flavor Flav, but here it is. It's a blast to watch because these women are just plain wacko, especially New York and Hottie.
Red Orchid seems to be a plant from the producers. Judging by her MySpace page she's pretty much a professional reality show contestant.
Hoopz is the only girl who seems not to be crazy. But then, what is she doing on this show?
Try to catch the marathon, because once you start watching you'll want to see how it ends.
Red Orchid seems to be a plant from the producers. Judging by her MySpace page she's pretty much a professional reality show contestant.
Hoopz is the only girl who seems not to be crazy. But then, what is she doing on this show?
Try to catch the marathon, because once you start watching you'll want to see how it ends.
- thegreenvortex
- Feb 6, 2006
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first of all i would like to say i love fl av of love its the show on TV!!! everyone is posting notes like the show is that bad! my mom said me why are you watching that show its trash. my brother said this is trash but guess what they watched it till the end!! I told them YES!! it is but its goooooooooooooood trash!! I've watched every episode of flav of love. so for everyone to have posted a note, You must be watching the show and if its that bad you would not have watched any of the show.The purpose of the show is for laughs, Its like a soap opera you watch it faithful to see whats going to happen even though everybody is sleeping with everybody. Its just drama and its drama at its best@2 I've watched every episode of season 1 and will continue to watch season 2 and if there is a season 3 i will be there. Sundays at 10 everyone. be there!!! Again its trash, drama at its best. U can get the drama and the mess without doing it in your own personal life. you can get the thrill over by watching it and your not being to any one for real. you get the gossip but you're not gossiping.I love you flav keep up the good work. This is what my brother said how can one man get all those fine women. so i took it as you men are jealous and hating on my guy. Its TV and i think the men are upset its not them. Lol you go boy!!!!!!!!!!! Flavor flav!!!!!!!!!!!!!lol!!!!!!!!1
- nettaluvsgzus
- Sep 17, 2006
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This show is based on Flava Flav's search for his true love. He starts with a stable of women, and eliminates a woman weekly to ultimately choose the woman of his dreams. Flav insists that he's looking for a woman that is 'Real' and will love him for him. The women are eliminated for a multitude of reasons ranging from their pasts on other reality shows to them being still in love with an ex. Flav is determined to find the woman of his dreams, and will not be fooled by gold diggers or fakes! The show's theme outside of flav revolves around the women arguing and bickering in the house with one another about which one is honestly best for Flav. All of the girls feel that they are Flav's best choice, but Flav feels otherwise!
- danyellesings
- Mar 20, 2006
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