Tsuyoshi Abe credited as playing...
Akira Mimasaka
- Doumyouji Tsukasa: Makino is not that type of girl! Even for you,sleep talking is talking when you're sleeping, talking when you're awake is not sleep talking, so if it's sleep talking, talking when you're awake is okay too, but if it's not sleep talking, it's talking when you're awake, talking when you're awake, it means not sleeping...
- Tsukushi Makino: What are you saying?
- Soujiroh Nishikado: Are you lost in your own words?
- [laughs]
- Doumyouji Tsukasa: Shut up! Anyway, sleep talking happens during RAM sleep
- [he meant to say REM, ram is lamb for Japanese]
- Tsukushi Makino: That's not right. I think its REM sleep.
- Akira Mimasaka: or lamb sleep!
- Soujiroh Nishikado: why lamb meat?
- Doumyouji Tsukasa: Alright!
- [shouts at the students, the students cheer back]
- Doumyouji Tsukasa: [feels confident again]
- Soujiroh Nishikado: He's showing off his power.
- [Domyouji smiles and winks at Makino]
- Rui Hanazawa: Well, Let's at least celebrate.
- Doumyouji Tsukasa: You're right. It's been ages. Let's all go party!
- Akira Mimasaka: Now that F4 is back together again.
- Doumyouji Tsukasa: [to Makino] On top of being clumsy and slow as a turtle, You're stupid ,so dont cut class.
- [pats Makino's head]
- Doumyouji Tsukasa: [laughs]
- Tsukushi Makino: I dont want to hear that from YOU of all people!
- [moves his hand away]
- Tsukushi Makino: [irritated]