Darling Darling is hilarious!!! I saw it at the Ann Arbor Film Festival in April 2006 with my roommate and we both couldn't stop laughing. Even when it was over we couldn't stop thinking about it and couldn't help but laugh through some of the more serious films. Go see this film!!! Michael Cera is a lovely perk. I had only seen one episode of Arrested Development before I saw this movie and after I saw this movie I had to see more of Michael Cera, so I got the DVD collection of Arrested Development. Darling Darling is a bizarre funny kind of like Napoleon Dynamite. You'll be sitting there confused saying, "What!?!" while cracking up. We love it. You'll love it. Go support it. Go see it. I don't really know what else to say about it. It's hard to explain unless you have seen it!