The film focuses on the circumstances of a young Lieutenant in the Red Army, Grigori Anokhin, played by Yuri Tarasov, who is stuck in a sanatorium but eager to return to the front in order "... Read allThe film focuses on the circumstances of a young Lieutenant in the Red Army, Grigori Anokhin, played by Yuri Tarasov, who is stuck in a sanatorium but eager to return to the front in order "to kill the Fascists", as he says. Traumatized by witnessing the massacre of his comrades,... Read allThe film focuses on the circumstances of a young Lieutenant in the Red Army, Grigori Anokhin, played by Yuri Tarasov, who is stuck in a sanatorium but eager to return to the front in order "to kill the Fascists", as he says. Traumatized by witnessing the massacre of his comrades, he has taken to drink, and he is ready to exact revenge. His attempts to return to the fr... Read all