In Rio de Janeiro, the forty years old middle-class divorced designer Cláudio (Alexandre Borges) spends his leisure time with his teenage daughter Duda (Renata Nascimento) or having middle-age crisis, affair with women, chatting with his friends or visiting his mother. When his former wife Beth (Júlia Lemmertz) dates the wealthy Aurismar (Antonio Grassi) that is moving to Miami, Cláudio tells her that the guy might be a drug or arm dealer, and tries to convince Duda to stay with him in Rio. Meanwhile, he recalls his former girlfriends and has new love relationships with the teenager Patricinha (Thaís Fersoza), with the married executive Marisa Delmar (Angela Vieira) and with his former girlfriend Sandrão (Cristiana Oliveira).
"Gatão de Meia-Idade" is a successful cartoon of Miguel Paiva published in the newspapers, where the character Cláudio is a middle-age man of Rio de Janeiro getting in trouble and crisis due to his love life and his relationship with his teenage daughter and ex-wife. The movie is very funny and Alexandre Borges is the perfect personification of this complicated character. I believe the story is good for the fans and also for those that are not familiarized with the adventures of the Gatão. My vote is seven.
Title (Brazil): "Gatão de Meia-Idade" ("Handsome of Middle-Age")