This film short was a provocative and soulful expose' delivered brilliantly within the context of simplicity,and the everyday filth that we choose to ignore as a nation, as a people, as parents, educators and artists...we close our blinds and our eyes in our everyday journey on the gold paved streets of LA. Using the hidden shadows and closeted secrets of the OTHER LA, we are taken on a 24 hour journey utilizing cinematic simple and subtle as a morning breeze...We walk arm and arm through the gut wrenching existence of our truly forgotten street children and the filth that prey on their misfortune!!! MY HEART CRIED AS A PARENT...MY SOUL SOBBED AS A SILENT ACTIVIST...AND I FELL TO MY METAPHORIC KNEES AS A SPIRITUAL SOLIDER...IN PRAYER...HUMBLE! GREAT CINEMATOGRAPHY, DIRECTION AND ACTING!!!! THESE YOUNG ACTORS WILL GO FAR!!!!! With the faces of battered angels that once kicked balls down ceder lined streets, we see the subtle ugliness of heroin addiction, ravaged bodies still maturing, homelessness and hopelessness. I want to see MORE MORE MORE..I want a full length feature baring all the truth so that we as a creative society can stimulate a movement of change!! THANK YOU YARIV FOR REACHING DEEP AND HELPING THE CHILDREN! MAZEL TOV! and GOD BLESS YOU ALWAYS!