1 review
www.angelfire.com/indie/detourtohell/ The first film of the Etheridges ! The first effort from this husband & wife team shows the promise of what they could accomplish in 2008. There is at least 3 killers in this tourist trap of a town. Acting is not too bad,And had a lot going on with all characters. The music by Migdalia is always there films strongest point, Well the camera work too. Although the plot has been done before with more money. Filmed in the Dade County area of Florida, Golden West Films always make good use of on-location scenery. So, To sum up DTH: Lots of death and different weapons and accents to develop characters that breathe---satisfying ending( Which was worried wouldn't happen).
www.angelfire.com/indie/detourtohell/ The first film of the Etheridges ! The first effort from this husband & wife team shows the promise of what they could accomplish in 2008. There is at least 3 killers in this tourist trap of a town. Acting is not too bad,And had a lot going on with all characters. The music by Migdalia is always there films strongest point, Well the camera work too. Although the plot has been done before with more money. Filmed in the Dade County area of Florida, Golden West Films always make good use of on-location scenery. So, To sum up DTH: Lots of death and different weapons and accents to develop characters that breathe---satisfying ending( Which was worried wouldn't happen).