This so-called documentary is based om the teachings of a woman channeling the spirit of an Atlantis-god-warrior called Ramtha, just like the last one. The so-called 'scientists' come from impressing quantum-physics institutions like the swami-Ami-university-of-love-harmony-and-making-it-up-as-you-go-along and the likes, or just Ramtha-sect followers.(the one scientist that was in the last film screamed bloody murder when he saw the finished product and in what way they manipulated his four hours of interview) The funding of the film too is taken care of by the Ramtha sect.
This does not make this a bad film per sé. It is shot wonderfully, and it asks some fun questions, and of course the followers of Ramtha-the god-warrior should be free to voice their opinions in whatever way thay see fit. It would just be more gentlemanly of them to state their religious point of view at the start of the movie, as I have met many people who believe that the film depicts a scientific viewpoint and convince others in their new found enthusiasm that the most interesting characteristic of quantum dynamics is that quantum-particles have a power to grant wishes for all happy suburbanites, if you only believe ! It wasn't boring at all, but it was damn annoying afterwards listening to the goateed morons I watched it with, who felt not only empowered and enlightened, but smug too, now that their always smouldering new-age-Oprah belief in their own uniqueness and soul has a pseudo-scientific base...