About 1hr and 2 minutes 30 seconds in he leaves his home in a nice black Dodge Ram 2500 pickup, it's seen again when he passes Silvio (Soprano character) on a motorcycle. Then a minute later, in the movie time, he comes home driving a Dodge Ram SRT10 Viper Pickup. Definitely more the style the character would be driving when he wasn't going to the job site. But it wasn't the black pickup that he left in and plus it had dealer plates on it.
The license plate on the sheriff's cruiser at the end of the film has changed. At the end it reads 'SHERIFF,' while earlier at was a combination of letters and numbers.
The detective says that police cannot arrest the man for a threat of violence, which is incorrect.
The patch on the sheriff's right shoulder should be reversed, or 'backward,' so as to be seen blowing in the wind with his advance moves. All military and police in the US reverse the flag on the right shoulder, and has been so for decades.
The sheriff's cruiser has an improper license plate.
When the men are shooting at the indoor firing range, all of the spent cartridge cases being ejected have crimped ends, indicating that they are all blanks.
The gun Darrell cocks on his living room chair is clearly a prop, as the barrel is closed.
In the credits, 'Saratoga Park Police' is written as 'Saratoga park Police'.
When Tom is looking at firearms with King, he pulls back the slide on a semiautomatic pistol that he is holding, and since the magazine is empty, the slide stays locked back, as it should. However, the sound you hear is the sound of the slide coming back, and then moving completely forward, which it did not do.
After Tom drops $10,000 to King for a duffle bag full of weapons, King offers that for an extra $10k he could 'take care' of Tony. If this was the case, Tom wouldn't need the weapons.