Offensive. Bad. So terrible they landed 4 seasons of Eastbound and Down on HBO.
Too much profanity. Girlfriend not hot enough. Not enough acting.
It's not like its their first project (oh, wait, was it?). Why give these Hollywood types (oh wait, are they?) the time of day or more money to make another (oh wait...)
It's not like the lead, McBride, is one of 2 or 3 writers on this show and the other (oh wait...)
I've read some positive comments about how people have run into this sort of martial arts instructor in real life. So, their research on the character isn't terrible.
All the very bad reviews here show why most can't see past the flaws, to what a brand-new team doing something very original is capable of.
Thankfully bad reviews are a dime a dozen and sometimes aren't enough to kill other projects.
Its 2 thousand fifteen, people. A bad indie comedy isn't a tragedy, and a first project can be treated with a bit more kindness.