- Sydney: I called you because I need a partner for this op. Someone I can trust.
- Michael Vaughn: We'd have to fly out separately, undercover...
- Sydney: ... to the airport in Italy...
- Michael Vaughn: ... undercover, to meet up in Rome.
- Sydney: We'd have to leave tonight. Are you in?
- Michael Vaughn: [exhales heavily] Yeah, I'll break into the Vatican with you.
- [smiles]
- Michael Vaughn: So, I was thinking, later tonight when we get the code key, maybe we can check it out?
- Sydney: What, the restaurant?
- Michael Vaughn: Yeah. Well, it's almost too good not to.
- Sydney: Unless SD-6 spots us there and has us killed.
- Michael Vaughn: Well, the food's so good it's almost worth the risk.
- Sydney: [to the big man blocking her way] You move out of my way or I will make you move out of my way.
- Arvin Sloane: Briault wasn't the traitor, it was you... this whole time! Our conversations were never recorded. We talked on secure phone lines. I made sure I met Briault in secret. You used me. You wanted him removed so no one could stand in your way from aquiring your special place in the Alliance!
- Edward Poole, SD-9: [makes a very wicked smirk] I haven't the slightest idea what you're talking about.
- Arvin Sloane: [angry and frustrated] Someday, somehow... I will repay the favor.
- Michael Vaughn: [as the FBI is taking Sydney into custody] Those medical tests you took, they were looking to match three specific anomalies Rambaldi mentioned: DNA sequencing, platelet levels, and the size of your heart. You match all three.
- Sydney: So what does the prophecy say?
- Dr. Carson Evans, DSR: This woman here depicted will possess unseen marks. Signs that she will be the one to bring forth my works. Bind them with fury, a burning anger unless prevented at vulgar cost this woman will render the greatest power unto utter desolation.
- [about Sydney's involvement with the "Prophecy"]
- Steven Haladki: It's like 666, guys, you see the writing on the kid's scalp, you know there's some problems at home.
- Arvin Sloane: Using all available resources, we have finally tracked down the enemy who we no longer have to refer to as The Man. Thanks to the surveillance photos you obtained in Brazil, we have confirmed his identity. He is Alexander Khasinau.
- Michael Vaughn: You're being investigated by the DSR.
- Sydney: DSR?
- Michael Vaughn: Department of Special Research. And it was created during World War II to investigate Nazi interest in the occult. After the war, an executive order was signed, empowering them to investigate fringe science, uh, parapsychology, remote viewing
- Sydney: What do they want with me?
- Michael Vaughn: They want to know why your picture is in the Rambaldi book. No, I know it seems ridiculous.
- Sydney: This drawing is five hundred years old. Millions of women have looked like that. My mom looked like that. Maybe it's a picture of my mother.
- [the French conversation when Sloane meets Briault]
- Jean Briault: My friend!
- Arvin Sloane: How are you my friend?
- Jean Briault: Very, very well. I became a grandfather last week.
- Arvin Sloane: Oh, you are a grandfather.
- Dr. Carson Evans, DSR: I wanna stress at the outset that this is not an investigation. You are not a subject of the criminal inquiry. Our purpose is simply to gather background information, and I'd like to note, for the record, how much we appreciate your cooperation in this matter. Do you have any questions?
- Sydney: Yes. Just one. Are you really not gonna tell me what this prophecy says?
- Dr. Carson Evans, DSR: I think we've been over that.
- Sydney: Yes, we have. Just not to my satisfaction.
- Michael Vaughn: You said... the explosion would trigger the alarm.
- Sydney: Which is on a fifteen-second delay.
- Michael Vaughn: And you said you could disarm it in under twenty seconds. How far under twenty?
- Sydney: I work better under pressure.
- Jack Bristow: I understand Poole was here. Is he with us?
- Arvin Sloane: Where the hell is Sydney?
- Jack Bristow: I believe she's at the university.
- Arvin Sloane: [obviously annoyed by that] We just got word from Kleinhoff in Munich. There's a counterfeit page in Rambaldi's manuscript.
- Jack Bristow: Counterfeit?
- Arvin Sloane: Yes, that's right. Page 47. There's nothing on it. We had it tested. It doesn't match any of the other pages in the manuscript. Now, number 47 had special significance for Rambaldi. In all his writings, page 47 had critical information. Now, I wanna know why we don't have that page.
- Jack Bristow: Well, I'll tell Sydney when she comes in.
- Arvin Sloane: Her schoolwork is a liability, Jack.
- Jack Bristow: [succinctly] She's familiar with your opinion. Her education is important to her.
- Arvin Sloane: Your daughter needs to reexamine her priorities.
- Jack Bristow: You're leaving for London and day earlier than expected.
- Arvin Sloane: I believe we have the necessary votes. When I get back, the Alliance will officially belong to Kashinau. I want you to follow up and find out when I'm gone. I wanna know what happened to that page.
- Jack Bristow: *Done.*
- Arvin Sloane: [closes his briefcase] Tell Sydney that she and I need to *talk.*
- [goes on his way]
- Emily Sloane: I look just like everyone else and usually feel thst way. The fact is, I wont be alive next Christmas.
- Sydney: Don't say that. You dont know that.
- Emily Sloane: I do. For a long time I ignored the pain. Then one morning over there I... I collapsed. I woke up in the hospital and the doctor told me. Cancer. He said If i'd seen him in the beginning I probably could have survived. But there's a fear, like nothing i've ever felt before. It comes over you when you know that there's something really wrong. For four months I did nothing, I was so terrified of what I didn't know. So terrified that I was paralyzed. The longer that went on, the more terrified I got, wanting to know the truth but being too afraid to find the answers.