Batman: The Animated Series (TV Series)
Heart of Ice (1992)
Kevin Conroy: Batman
Mr. Freeze : Tonight, I mean to pay back the man who ruined my life... our lives.
Batman : Even if you have to kill everyone in the building to do it?
Mr. Freeze : Think of it, Batman. To never again walk on a summer's day with the hot wind in your face and a warm hand to hold. Oh yes, I'd kill for that!
Mr. Freeze : The snow is beautiful, don't you think? Clean, uncompromising...
Batman : And cold.
Mr. Freeze : Like the swift hand of vengeance.
[Batman watches the tape of Ferris Boyle wounding Victor Fries]
Batman : My God!
Mr. Freeze : Yes.
[Batman turns around to see Mr. Freeze pointing his ice gun at him]
Mr. Freeze : It would move me to tears... If I still had tears to shed.
[Freeze pulls the trigger on the gun and ice sprays towards the camera]
Batman : Freeze!
Mr. Freeze : That's Mr. Freeze to you.
Alfred Pennyworth : If you're going out like that, I'd suggest you take this.
[hands him a thermos]
Batman : Knockout gas?
Alfred Pennyworth : Chicken soup. Only way to fight a cold.
Summer Gleeson : [Batman has shattered Freeze's helmet with a canister of hot chicken soup] What was that stuff?
Batman : The only way to fight a cold.
Batman : I saw what happened to your wife, I'm sorry.
Mr. Freeze : I'm beyond emotions. They've been frozen dead in me.
Batman : That suit you wear, a result of the coolant?
Mr. Freeze : Very good, a detective to the last. I can no longer survive outside a sub-zero environment.
[Bruce learns that Boyle is to receive a highly undeserved humanitarian award]
Bruce Wayne : I feel ill.
Valet : [Mr. Freeze's flatbed truck with the freeze cannon pulls up to the front of the Gothcorp building] Keys?
[Mr. Freeze glares down at the valet, who then nervously backs away]