Leslie Easterbrook credited as playing...
- Rossum: Ms. Gordon, your skill at breaking and entering is impressive. Where did you learn those tricks?
- Barbara Gordon: A police commissioner's daughter doesn't get all her education in school. What have you done with my father?
- Randa: He's right here, my dear. You'll be joining him soon. Very soon.
- Rossum: The duplicant processor's been used. I didn't authorize that.
- HARDAC: It was necessary to serve your ultimate purpose.
- Rossum: No, it was a stupid idea, the babblings of a broken heart!
- HARDAC: Humans make errors in judgment. It is sometimes necessary to protect them from their own inadequacies.
- Rossum: I've let this go too far. I gave you too much free will. It's time to change your programming.
- Randa: [HARDAC knocks Rossum out] You have immobilized the maker.
- HARDAC: His human imperfection endangers the plan. He must be... improved upon.