Peter Kelamis credited as playing...
Bob Lang
- Lacey Burrows: [at the Dog River Town Bar] I'm looking forward to your show. I heard you were really great the last time you were here in Wullerton.
- Bob Lang: Wullerton? I though I was supposed to play Wullerton tomorrow?
- Lacey Burrows: No. This is Wullerton.
- Bob Lang: Stupid Booking Agents! They never get anything right.
- Lacey Burrows: Yeah.
- Bob Lang: Tell me, is there a place nearby that people here make fun of? You know, like a town people *hate*?
- Lacey Burrows: Oh, yeah. *Dog River*!
- [spits]
- Bob Lang: Thanks.
- [Lacey smiles evil-like]
- Bob Lang: Thank you, Hank. Saskatchewan's answer to Don Rickles.
- [beat]
- Bob Lang: Well it's great to be here. I was just in Dog River, so it's great to be anywhere.
- Bob Lang: [no applause] Yeah, let's just say people from Dog River. *Shallow* end of the gene pool.
- Local #1: BOO!
- Bob Lang: What's the matter? You don't get it? Like you're from Dog River or something?
- Bob Lang: [no response] Uh. Cheers! To the best town in all of Saskatchewan. WULLERTON!
- Local #1, Local #2: [the entire audience spits on cue] BOO!
- Local #2: Yeah, bring back Mean Hank!
- [entire audience starts shouting "BRING BACK MEAN HANK!"]