Tara Spencer-Nairn credited as playing...
Karen Pelly
- Karen Pelly: Listen, Oscar, I would prefer it if you didn't tell anyone I was cooking for you.
- Oscar Leroy: Done.
- Karen Pelly: Don't you wanna know why?
- Oscar Leroy: Does it seem like I wanna know why?
- Karen Pelly: I read an article that said career women shouldn't exhibit traditional woman skills, like cooking. Because it can undermine our status and we could lose the respect of our male colleagues.
- Oscar Leroy: [chuckles] Whatever you say, Toots.
- Karen Pelly: [over the police radio] Davis? Come in, Davis.
- Davis Quinton: Go ahead, Karen.
- Karen Pelly: We got a 10-19 in progress.
- Davis Quinton: Trouble at the Mini Putt?
- Davis Quinton: Fear is natural. It's what makes us human. It's what separates us from the animals.
- Wanda Dollard: That and opposable thumbs.
- [beat]
- Wanda Dollard: And pants.
- Hank Yarbo: Roller-blading.
- Wanda Dollard: Any kind of bipedal locomotion.
- Karen Pelly: We can make fire. Animals can't make fire.
- Hank Yarbo: Well, if you don't count dragons.
- Wanda Dollard: [Awkward pause] Actually, there's a lot that separates us from animals.
- Davis Quinton: [dryly] You had me at pants.