The Roaring Boy is Doug Beale (Kenneth Cope) an army deserter hiding out in his girlfriend, Diana's flat.
PC Dixon turns up at Diana's as he is following up a lead. Only Doug gives himself away by the clanging of some saucepans.
Before long PC Dixon finds himself in a hostage situation as Doug produces a gun. Doug is also unhinged behaving in a volatile manner. Playing sick games thinking he is in control.
PC Dixon realises that both Doug and Diana are damaged people.
Once again I groaned when Doug gave himself away with the saucepan just as Dixon was due to leave the flat. Doug should had kept quiet as a ghost.
Also back in the day police did not bother with psychology. When a man does not like being called 'son.' Then certainly do not do it when he is pointing a gun at you!
Kenneth Cope kept it lively as the angry erratic young soldier.