Saying that women don't commit arson isn't exactly accurate, but it isn't sexist either. By far the overwhelming majority of arson cases are caused by males. According to data from the FBI's NCIC database only 15% of arson cases involved a fire being intentionally set by a female, and most women that set fires did so not with malicious intent but to get attention. Of the rare cases of malicious intent the female arsonist's motive are overwhelmingly revenge against an unfaithful partner. Serial female arsonists are especially rare, it is estimated that less than 5% of serial arson cases involve a female suspect, by far serial arsonists are white males under the age of 30. People with a clinical diagnosis of pyromania are also overwhelmingly male, according to the American Psychological Association approximately 90% of patients diagnosed with pyromania are male; and of the 10% that are female most had additional serious mental health issues that contribute to their urges to set fires.