Fiona (played by Olga Sosnovska) is a snobby shrill cold fish member of MI-5, the wife of Adam Carter. Everytime she is in a scene, I expect her to start selling facial creams to the MI-5 staff. She looks and acts like a superficial sales model, and has zero credibility as an MI-5 agent.
In flashbacks we discover that Fiona made contact with a friend she knew is Syria, and eventually it is revealed that her friend told her that her former husband was not dead, and had killed another mutual friend. This is the motive for Fiona to suddenly want to be the lead pointperson in an attempt to turn a Syrian diplomat into an MI-5 agent.
Very stupidly, Fiona does not tell anyone, including Adam, about her ex-husband Farook. She lies to MI-5 because she wants a chance to kill her ex-husband. Eventually she gets her chance, and it is lame. She follows the most evil bad guy to a meeting room, and waits for Farook. Since everyone knows who she is, when she tries to pull out her gun, the are guns on her already. Really pathetic that she got a Syrian diplomat killed, lied to her team, and then accomplished nothing.
The rest of the story is the predictable rescue by Adam, which results in some good gunplay, and deaths. One glaring issue is that the main and most evil intelligence officer disappeared to allow Adam, Fiona, and Farook to shoot it out. He was standing a few feet from Farook, and should have joined in the gunfight, and killed Adam Carter or at least taken some shots at him. Later he meekly gives up his gun when the MI-5 back-up arrives, a few minutes after the gunfight.
The MI-5 show has some decent action, but when it gets to complicated choreography of gunfights this is not the first time that combatants disappear. Apparently either the stunt coordinator or the camera-people or both were not competent to film anything beyond 3 people in a gunfight.