When we last saw Bob Dawson he was released from prison and given $5000 as a reward for helping Jim Hardie rescue a kidnapped senator. Unfortunately he hasn't collected yet, but that doesn't bother Dawson too much. He's still quite the character, and as such he continues to brag to the citizens in Brisbane, Nebraska about his memoirs, casually mentioning them and what they could reveal when he's trying to scam a free meal or drinks. Problem is, some citizens are extremely worried what Dawson may say about them in his memoirs, worried enough to try and bushwhack him to prevent their publication.
This is my favorite appearance of Edgar Buchanen as Bob Dawson, and is the third of his six appearances as Dawson, all during the B&W, 30min era of the series. His episodes are all good watches, with a lot of humor and a decent amount of action. Buchanen plays Dawson basically in the same vein as he played Uncle Joe Carson on Petticoat Junction, a con man, ready to take advantage of whatever situation presents itself. Although he had been a successful outlaw with a considerable reputation in his younger years, senior citizen Dawson spends a lot of his time telling stories of his salad days, his successful holdups, and how the young guys have no "finess-ie" as he calls it. But this time he's basically extorting the citizens of Brisbane with thinly veiled threats about what his memoirs may say about them, although he's not actually malicious, he sees it as an amusement. But with the paranoia and guilt these folks have they're more than willing to fork over all kinds of stuff to Dawson, even cash. And Dawson is more than willing to take it.
Eventually the locals in Brisbane have had enough, and there's serious talk about taking matters into their own hands. When Dawson is forced to kill a man attempting to bushwhack him, the locals accuse him of murder and want to hang him. Dawson claims it was a diversion that allowed someone to steal his memoirs, and he asks Jim Hardie to go to his place and collect them. Hardie finds the memoirs have been stolen, and he knows Dawson is telling the truth. The locals don't believe Dawson though, until another attempt is made on his life. At this point Hardie decides to use his considerable guile to lure out the guilty party. The result is one of the more amusing episodes of the series.
Besides Edgar Buchanen, the cast was mostly made up of working actors of the day. I am familiar with Charles Wagenheim, Robert Brubaker, and especially Roy Engel from their appearances in a couple shows I frequent, such as Cheyenne. This was the first time I saw Shary Marshall, and the remainder of the cast are bit players with mostly uncredited roles.
My favorite of the Bob Dawson episodes, and a darned good watch! But Jim Hardie is always a good watch. Don't miss it!